Sunday, December 29, 2019
Essay on The Byod Security Risk - 1162 Words
The BYOD Security Risk Introduction The introduction of mobile devices in the workplace has been on the rise and there is no denying that these devices are transforming how companies do business. This has introduced the BYOD or Bring Your Own Device model in the workplace and its becoming more popular every day. BYOD is a policy that accepts employees bringing personally owned mobile devices to their workplace and using them to access company data such as email, file servers and databases as well as their personal applications and data. But as data transmissions increase with these devices so does the chances of them being hacked and the burden of successfully managing the mobile devices is laid upon the IT departments. One of the†¦show more content†¦Let’s look at this survey where 4,000 employees in a verity of industries across 16 countries were surveyed and half of them use their mobile devices for work. CIO’s and IT departments want to embrace the BYOD model to help accomplish their companyà ¢â‚¬â„¢s mission but they want to do it securely. At this point the secret is out BYOD is a real issue and IT departments need to strategize now for an effective enterprise mobility management solution. It’s time to ignore the standard approved device list, locking down corporate apps, and enforcing mobile device policy. The risk of a CIO or IT department failing to implement a suitable solution for their mobile device network is very real. It’s time to explore new ideas to effectively manage a mobile device network via the Enterprise Mobility platform. The invasion of mobile device’s into the workplace is going to happen weather industry leaders want them to or not, and smarter companies are looking to deploy Enterprise Mobility strategies before they are overrun. Third Section title goes here Adapting security and management for the new generation of mobile devices is turning out to be a huge corporate challenge. The Company Thomson Reuters like many companies is struggling to find which enterprise mobility management and security systems for their mobile device network consisting ofShow MoreRelatedProject Background And Summary : Bring Your Own Device1385 Words  | 6 PagesProject Background and Summary Bring your own device (BYOD) is beginning to be the order of the day in a Cooperate world. It has been proven According to research conducted in 2012 by Intel on 3,000 IT managers and 1,200 users on how the use of BYOD in their organisation has been increasing and its benefits to the organisation. 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The goal of this report is to examine the BYOD mobile plan for WickID Candles. As a company, we are looking for a plan that is financially feasible, efficient, and safe. BYOD stands for Bring Your Own Device. BYOD is an IT policy that allows employees to use their personal mobile devices for work. This also allows employers to access enterprise data and systems via their phones or tablets. BYOD plans differ depending on a company s budget, but there are usually rulesRead MoreSecurity Risk Associated with Mobile Devices1429 Words  | 6 Pagesï » ¿ Security Risk Associated with Mobile Devices The term mobile devices are not limited to cellphones; they include iPads, iPods, Laptops, PDAs and e-Readers. These devices act as a lifeline to the outdoor world, and are frequently used for navigating, social networking, shopping, banking and business purposes. What is often forgotten about these devices is that they are gateways to hackers. â€Å"Mobile devices can be used by a hacker as an access point into many other aspects of your digital lifeRead MoreA Report On Mobile Technology1294 Words  | 6 Pagesown device’ (BYOD). While BYOD has a host of merits like increased productivity, better connectivity and less expenditure for enterprises, but there are security risks involved. This is where mobile management comes into the picture. It is generally an administrative system and service that is used to encrypt and lock the device, and enforce miscellaneous other BYOD policies. Schneider Electric BYOD policy is implemented through Airwatch Mobile Device Management (MDM). Although BYOD adoption is continuously
Saturday, December 21, 2019
A Community That Effects The Lifestyle Of The Elderly Essay
The care of the elderly population is growing issue in countless modernized countries. This is a topic that people from across the world are looking into, and hoping to better the lives of those effected. â€Å"Aging isn’t just a biological process  it’s also very much a HYPERLINK one.†( HYPERLINK This paper will discuss the different aspects of a community that effects the lifestyle of the elderly community in different parts of the world. Religion, tradition, and law are three important influences on the treatment of this community of people. Many Asian cultures have religions that are deep rooted, which date back thousands of years. Although Confucius was Chinese, Confucianism has been practiced throughout all of Asia. In Korea, many of the practices when it comes to aging is based on the Confucian value of Filial Piety. â€Å"In Confucian philosophy, filial piety is a virtue of respect for one s parents, elders, and ancestors.†( HYPERLINK This is one of the three basic values of Confucianism, but often it is regarded as the most important. This value is taught people who practice Confucianism, and in turn is also taught to the people around them. Ultimately, it has become a cultural value throughout Asia. In many western cultures, such as the Unites States, religion is not as highly regarded as it onceShow MoreRelatedThe Quality Of Life And The Age Of An American1540 Words  | 7 PagesAddressing this issue is so important because health promotion and the quality of life must improve for our aging population (Martin, 1991). If we continue to overlook this issue we will see tremendous set backs in not only the overall well-being of the elderly, but also a deterioration of cognitive skills as well as physical skills (Hawkins, Hoffman, Mockenhaupt, Ory Sanner, 2003). The longevity of life is only increasing in the United States. Today one in eight Americans are aged 65 or older (HawkinsRead MoreSocial Isolation And The Elderly1689 Words  | 7 PagesMany of the elderly find themselves living in isolation. There are many reasons why the elderly will find themselves living alone and in isolation. Many times caregivers have difficulty intervening. Social isolation can have many effects on the health status of the elderly. When alone the mental, physical and even the nutritional status of the older person can be affected. Trying to get the person to accept that they are being isolated can be difficult. There are a few resources that can have aRead MoreA Summary And Critique Of This Article1450 Words  | 6 Pageslife among aging populations. It is evident older individuals were not primary targets for health promotion and disease-prevention programs, and it is being distinctively realized as the generation of the baby boom produces a large in crease in this elderly population pool. With an increase in longevity due to advances in medicine, there is a dire need to address this neglect to individuals after they reach a certain age. This should have been noticed before, but it is easier to see the problem now,Read MoreWindshield Survey1420 Words  | 6 Pagesfor the past 7 years. Windshield survey is conducted to observe the health of the community and its members. The factors affecting health is collected and community health nurses intervene to create a difference either to the entire community or its members. Community assessment helps identify community needs, clarify problems, and identify strengths and resources 351. Even though I lived and worked in this community, I have noticed many disturbing facts that have not changed in the past few yearsRead MoreGerontology Case Study1604 Words  | 7 PagesGerontology is the scientific study of old age, the process of aging, and the particular problems of old people. With maturation the elderly suffer from age-related changes that effect their overall health and day to day living. Even those these changes provide limitations that can be lived with, these changes can also exacerbate many medical conditions. The elderly client I decided to evaluate, a 76 year old african american female, that has a past medical history of chronic heart failureRead MoreThe Effects Of Physical Inactivity On Children s Development And Impact Of Chronic Disease Essay1530 Words  | 7 Pages Hoogeboom states that in older adult â€Å"therapeutic exercise before and after surgery might augment the postoperative outcomes by improving functional status and reducing the complication and mortality rate†(Hoogeboom, 2014). For the elderly undergoing hip replacement such as Michael, they concluded that Pre and postoperative exercise is vital to full functional recovery (Hoogeboom, 2014). Mike has a very strong support system especially from his family. His oldest daughter whoRead MoreHealth Promotion Through Prevention And Wellness874 Words  | 4 Pagesof health care system in any community. Bezner (2015) defined health promotion as the process of empowering a person to change his lifestyle and behavior, with the purpose of improving the overall health of people living in the community. According to Bezner (2015) physical therapists are ideal messengers and role models in health promotion and wellness. In line with this, physical therapists should participate in creating a health promotion initiative for the community to decrease health care costsRead MoreWhy The Elderly Should Not Drive Deals With Safely Concerns936 Words  | 4 Pagesdispute, especially the rights of the elderly population to drive. It’s not an easy topic but individuals may treat the issue as a dichotomy. We all age, that’s a fact of life, but at what point do we start giving the rights we were born with up. The act of driving is not a simple task but requires the integral of all body systems coming together to perform the activity. It is important to take into consideration that by taking away the right to drive for elderly individuals, we hinder their capacityRead MoreLanguage and human identity1466 Words  | 6 Pagesmillion people converse in 150-200 languages and 46 languages have just a single speaker!†. Lifestyles, beliefs and culture limits the power of language of a certain knowledge. A personal life experience would be where i tried to speak to my foreigners teachers where there are certain Indonesian language that cannot be translated and that is because Indonesian language is used and designed accordance to the lifestyle of the citizens, cultures or even climates. Language has been used by mankind or evenRead MoreThe Importance Of Nutrition On Our Daily Lives1683 Words  | 7 Pagesstudying the human body and how it ages. While we have yet discover immortality we have figured out how to extend our lifespan and increase our quality of life. The many advances in public health and nutrition have contributed to a rapid growth of the elderly population (Chedraui Pà ©rez-Là ³pez, 2013). The World Health Organization (2016) estimates that 16% of the population is over the age of 65 and these figures are predicted to rise over the next 30 years. Nutrition is well-recognized as a modifiable
Friday, December 13, 2019
The Effects of Steroids on the Human Body and Steroid Abuse Free Essays
The Effects of Steroids on the Human Body and Steroid Abuse by Athletes For many years, the use and abuse of anabolic-androgenic steroids have been linked closely to athletes. Steroids come in different forms. We will write a custom essay sample on The Effects of Steroids on the Human Body and Steroid Abuse or any similar topic only for you Order Now They can be taken in pill form or injected straight into the user’s muscles by a needle. There are many sports that are associated with steroid abuse like weightlifting, basketball, and track and field. Anabolic-androgenic steroids are synthetic forms of male sex hormones, like testosterone. They speed up the growth and development process of muscles in the body. Steroids were originally developed around the 1930s in order to treat hypogonadism, which is a disease that prevents the male testes to not produce enough testosterone for its functions. Once scientists began to test steroids on animals, the same effect of increased muscle size was present in the animals. This immediately led to the abuse of steroids by body and weight lifters, and then closely followed by athletes from all kinds of different sports to enhance their performances. Whether the user is male or female, certain sexual mannerisms of the male body will begin to produce in their body. There are several temporary and permanent side effects of abusing steroids. Temporary side effects include acne, increased breast size in men, and aggression. The sebaceous glands in the skin become inflated with excessive steroid use. Once this happens, the oils in the glands are increased which causes the skin to break out with acne. Another effect would be gynecomastia (increased breast size in men). This occurs when the body converts extra testosterone into female hormones, like estrogen, and female breast tissue is sometimes formed creating breasts on the man. Females will also experience male characteristic changes to their bodies. They might notice that their voices may be deepening because the testosterone from the steroids sends male signals to the brain. Facial hair and body hair with begin to grow rapidly on the female’s body, along with coarse skin and shrunken breasts. Both men and women will experience â€Å"roid rage†which is a heightened aggression for no certain reason. This anger can lead to irritability, stress, and violence. The long term side effects can include HIV, cardiovascular problems, stunted growth, and weight problems. HIV, not taken very seriously by must steroids abusers, is one of the most dangerous and deadliest side effects of steroids. This is because people don’t think they can get HIV even though most of the time they are sharing their needles with a numerous amount of other users. HIV could be spread from one person to another just by using one needle. Using steroids can increase one’s blood cholesterol which can lead to heart problems, heart attacks, and even strokes. The new weight of the user’s muscles puts an unnecessary strain and pressure on the heart, because it has to pump more blood to so much more tissues in the muscles. Stunted growth mainly affects teenagers going through puberty because once the brain senses a certain amount of hormones in the body; it sends a message to the bones to stop growing to the teenager will most likely be shorter than the average height for their gender, ge, and weight. One last long term side effect of using steroids would be weight gain and other weight problems. People who eventually stop abusing steroids often end up having a weight problem. If they bulked up with lots of muscle, these muscles will turn to an absurd amount of fat on their body. They also have an issue with losing the excess fat because the muscles were so used to being injected with steroids. The World Anti- Doping Agency (WADA) has written a list of banned drugs that all athletes are not allowed to use to enhance their performance. The list includes steroids that can be taken orally or steroids that can be injected by a needle into the abuser’s muscle. There have been thousands of athletes that have been banned from the respective sports because of doping (using steroids) while training and/or participating. Several doping scandals in the athletic world have unfortunately come up in the past. One example would be the steroid scandal of Marion Jones. She had won the 100 meter dash, 200 meter dash, and the 4Ãâ€"1 meter relay in the Sydney Olympics. Around 2005, there was an investigation to see whether she was doping or not. Marion denied ever using steroids before or during the Summer Olympics. But in 2007, she admitted in court that she lied to the investigators and two grand juries saying she had in fact used steroids during the Summer Olympics. Because of this confession, she was sentenced to six months in 2008 prison for lying to the prosecutors who were investigating her case. In an interview with Oprah, Marion Jones admitted that she most likely could have won in the Sydney Olympics without the use of steroids. Honestly, if she was confident enough to know that she was going to win without doping, what was the point of taking steroids in the first place? It makes me sad to hear that there are hundreds of thousands of doping scandals like this and even in other sports. If you’re good enough in what you’re doing, I think that you don’t need to over-do it by adding steroids into the mix. Marion was stripped of her gold medals from Sydney. Nowadays, WADA and other anti-doping agencies are cracking down harder on drug testing athletes several times before and after games and races. If you know you’re not good enough and you feel like you have to take steroids, don’t bother wasting your time because sooner or later someone is going to find out and you’ll end up embarrassing yourself and your family. It feels better to win knowing that all you did was work hard, keep to eating a healthy diet, and train as much as you could, instead of getting lazy and buying steroids. I understand people need to see that they are â€Å"the best†instead of just believing it, but there are other ways to improve your performance and do well in whatever sport you play. How to cite The Effects of Steroids on the Human Body and Steroid Abuse, Essay examples
Thursday, December 5, 2019
Socrates First Accusers And Athenian Law Of All Confrontations In Poli Essay Example For Students
Socrates First Accusers And Athenian Law Of All Confrontations In Poli Essay Socrates First Accusers and Athenian Law Of all confrontations in political philosophy, the biggest isthe conflict between philosophy and politics. The problem remainsmaking philosophy friendly to politics. The questioning of authoritativeopinions is not easily accomplished nor is that realm of philosophy thepursuit of wisdom. Socrates was the instigator of the conflict. While thepolitical element takes place within opinions about political life,Socrates asks the question What is the best regime and how should I live?Ancient thought is riddled with unknowns and can make no such statement ashow should I live. The Socratic philosophy offers an alternative andprepares the way for the alternative of absolutes. This alternative is notwithout its faults. Socratic philosophy is plagued by a destructiveelement. It reduces the authoritative opinions about political life butreplaces it with nothing. This is the vital stem from which the Apologyof Socrates is written. Because of the stinging attack on Athenian life,and the opinions which they revere so highly, Socrates is placed on trialfor his life. We will write a custom essay on Socrates First Accusers And Athenian Law Of All Confrontations In Poli specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The question now becomes why and in what manner did Socrates refutethe gods and is he quilty? Socrates, himself, speaks out the accuserscharges by saying Socrates does injustice and is meddlesome, byinvestigating the things under the earth and the heavenly things, and bymaking the weaker the stronger and by teaching others these things (Plato,19b;c). This is the charge of the old accusers. It is seen from anexample in The Clouds. Strepsiades goes to Socrates in order to learnhow to pursuade his son by making the weaker speech the stronger(Aristophanes, 112). Why does Socrates remind the assembly about the oldaccusers? It appears improper for a man on trial to bring about his othercrimes. Aristophanes, in particular, is implicated by Socrates as an oldaccuser. For you yourselves used to see these things in the comedy ofAristophanes (Plato, 19c). The poets helped to shape Greek culture. Poetry was passed on and perpetuated the city where thought constantlychanged.Philosphy begins in debunking what the city thinks they know inorder to refute the god. It is evident that Socrates is not guided by thegods of the city. Socrates says it is not part of the same man to believein daimonian and divine things (Plato, 27e). Socrates is subtly admittinghis guilt. Perhaps Socrates believs in gods, but if so, they are not thegods of the city. Socrates simply denies that he has had any part incelestial or subterranean inquiry he simply speaks elsewhere. Socratesgoes on to say that those who do are reported to be atheists. However,Socrates says that Zeus does not eveeen exist (Aristophanes, 367).Socrates replaces Zeus with nature, the permanent and necessary thingsaccessable to reason. This is an outrage to any Athenian. To deny thegods is to deny faith and ultimately the authoritarian opinions on whichtheir politics is based. Why does Socrates think that he is being unjustly punished?Chaerophon had told Socrates that the Pythian Oracle had said that Socrateswas the wisest man. Socrates admits that I am conscious that I am notwise, either much or little (Plato, 20b). Socrates wonders what theriddle is and sets out to refute the divination (Plato, 20c). This is aprime example of Socrates impiousness as is his statement in The Cloudswhere he states we dont credit Gods (Aristophanes, 248). He isattempting to refute the god at Delphi. Socrates tries to aid his owndefense by charging that what he does is in devotion to the god. Even nowI still go around seeking and investigating in accordance with the god(Plato, 23b). Socrates makes this brash statement yet it is unfounded anduntrue because it is not a devine order for Socrates to pursue this line ofinvestigation. .u1cb069e12bf1bc3c70e64b6d91c1156d , .u1cb069e12bf1bc3c70e64b6d91c1156d .postImageUrl , .u1cb069e12bf1bc3c70e64b6d91c1156d .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u1cb069e12bf1bc3c70e64b6d91c1156d , .u1cb069e12bf1bc3c70e64b6d91c1156d:hover , .u1cb069e12bf1bc3c70e64b6d91c1156d:visited , .u1cb069e12bf1bc3c70e64b6d91c1156d:active { border:0!important; } .u1cb069e12bf1bc3c70e64b6d91c1156d .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u1cb069e12bf1bc3c70e64b6d91c1156d { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u1cb069e12bf1bc3c70e64b6d91c1156d:active , .u1cb069e12bf1bc3c70e64b6d91c1156d:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u1cb069e12bf1bc3c70e64b6d91c1156d .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u1cb069e12bf1bc3c70e64b6d91c1156d .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u1cb069e12bf1bc3c70e64b6d91c1156d .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u1cb069e12bf1bc3c70e64b6d91c1156d .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u1cb069e12bf1bc3c70e64b6d91c1156d:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u1cb069e12bf1bc3c70e64b6d91c1156d .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u1cb069e12bf1bc3c70e64b6d91c1156d .u1cb069e12bf1bc3c70e64b6d91c1156d-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u1cb069e12bf1bc3c70e64b6d91c1156d:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: DRUG ABUSE Essay In opposition, Socrates asserts that the daimonian did notoppose him.Socrates impiety is not the only thing that resulted in histrial.Socrates was the gadfly stinging the city of Athens. When Socratesproposes that the god sent him on his quest, he set out to prove it wrong. In the process, he questioned the politicians and those reported to bewise (Plato, 21c). After finding that no one reported to be wise, wasworthy of being called wise, Socrates investigated further all the whileperceiving with pain and fear that I was becoming hated (Plato, 21e). Theartisans, poets, and politicians all thought they were knowledgable in thegreatest things but, in fact, did not know anything at all. They all saynoble things but they know nothing of which they speak (Plato, 22c). Socrates, in affirming that he reanked above them in wisdom, because heknew nothing, in fact became the oracles main supporter. It must be notedthat Socrates support of the cities god is based solely on his testingof the oracle. Socrates accepts the oracles words, not on divine authoritybut because it passes his test of reason.The hatred of Socrates is extended, as the youth of Athens imitatehim and make the elders look foolish by engaging in Socratic dialogue andshowing up their ignorance. This led to the charge that Socrates corruptedthe youth. This too was added to the impiety charge. Socrates says thatthe youth follow him of their own accord (Plato, 23c).In any event, one concludes that the Delphic Oracle was a definiteturning point in Socrates life. Perhaps it changes Socrates interestfrom the physical and astronomical studies with moral and politicalthought. This turning point brings Socrates into conflict with the city ofAthens. His doubt of the opinions taken on authority also concerned thecities god and the cities laws. That made him dangerous in the eyes of theleaders. Socrates thought was a painful sting to the glorifiedconvictions of human conduct that meant so much to the city. Socrates madethe political and moral questions the focus and theme of his secondsailing as he suggested in Aristophanes Clouds. By virtue of Socratesturn, philosophy now becomes political. The Apology presents a critiqueof political life from the view of philosophy. Socrates disruptsprevailing opinions without providing a substantial opinion to replace it.This may be intentional as to let man decide between his longings and thenecessity of political life. The problem now is how to make philsoophyfriendly to politics. Whether or not that can be done is not to beanswered here.
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