Thursday, November 28, 2019
Assistive Technology
Assistive technology device According to Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), assistive technology (AT) device is â€Å"any item, piece of equipment, or product system, whether acquired commercially off the shelf, modified, or customized, that is used to increase, maintain, or improve the functional capabilities of a child with a disability†(Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, 1997).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Assistive Technology specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Assistive technology service Assistive technology service refers â€Å"any service that directly assists a child with a disability in the selection, acquisition, or use of an assistive technology device†(Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, 1997). Discuss the role that the IDEA has had on the application of AT IDEA concerns itself with the need of serving children with disabilities in an environment of least restriction. IDEA wants inclusion in education, in each State. It also looks into individual students with any form of disability have an individual education plan (IEP). IEP is a program of a particular student with a disability. IDEA has statements that make references to AT services and devices, which the IEP must take into account when developing a program for the benefit of a student with disabilities. The IEP team must establish whether the AT will allow the student to achieve set goals in the education system, which the student cannot achieve due to disability. They also must establish whether the learner will need AT device while in and outside the school. Likewise, IEP must also if the AT will help the student participate widely in educational programs, and augment their communication abilities. Any positive establishment of the issues under evaluation results into satisfying the needs of the student by providing the necessary AT services or devices, which help the student achieve his or her educational needs. Discuss the definitional ambiguity of assistive technology There exists ambiguity with the reference to the definition of AT as Golden notes. The US federal law recognizes the term as â€Å"any item, piece of equipment, or product system, whether acquired commercially off the shelf, modified, or customized, that is used to increase, maintain, or improve the functional capabilities of a child with a disability†(Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, 1997).Advertising Looking for essay on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Golden notes that this definition can be specific with reference certain elements such as the purpose of AT. For instance, it covers assistance in education, accessibility of the environment, competition, promotion of independence, and improvement of quality of life (Golden, 1998). Lewis also notes that AT has two main functions. It can enhan ce a student’s ability to counteract effects of disabilities, and AT also offers alternative methods of doing tasks such that AT compensates what the learner with a disability lacks (Lewis, 1998). Thus, assistive technology presents diverse meanings to different people based on their views, use and specific requirements. Lewis notes â€Å"in the area of rehabilitation, the term refers to technologies, such as mobility devices, environmental controls and adapted equipment†(Lewis, 1998). Professionals working in â€Å"the areas of physiotherapy and occupational therapy focus on technologies that support access, and quality of life issues when referring to AT†(Lewis, 1998). These individuals also use the terms â€Å"adaptive technology or rehabilitation technology in reference to AT†(Lewis, 1998). In the teaching area, â€Å"AT means the inclusions and adjustments given to a student’s learning program†(Lewis, 1998). The British Educational Communications and Technology Agency (Becta) defines AT with this view as â€Å"the software and technology which helps people with disabilities and special needs to overcome the additional challenges they face in communication and learning†(Becta, 2003). Becta also uses others terms such as â€Å"instructional technology or information technology, special education technology†(Becta, 2003). The usage of the term is dynamic and changing. For instance, â€Å"the term inclusive technology is popular in the business world†(Becta, 2003). Some critics have suggested that the name should be e-inclusion rather than assistive technology. This is because AT focus gives priority to technology over education. Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Assistive Technology specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More They argue that e-inclusion is appropriate because of the social justice and inclusion debates. At the sa me time, e-inclusion shows the use of technology to enhance learning and other inclusive activities for students with disabilities and learning problems. Thus, e-inclusion would be appropriate because it covers technologies, learners, and activities. Thus, AT provides different meaning to different professionals. For instance, to a physiotherapist it may mean a physical tool that aid movement, while to a teacher it may mean a software program that helps students read and write. These many meanings can lead to confusions among â€Å"professionals in identification, consideration, allocation and implementation of assistive technology†(Becta, 2003). This ambiguity in the definition of AT requires collaborations among these professionals. Assistive Technology can provide students with a tool system that can improve their functional capabilities at school, in the home, and in the community and workplace. Discuss the following: What are the indicators that would suggest an evaluat ion is warranted? There are situations where the student has self awareness of the various factors of his or her disability and has recognized the need for inclusion in learning. Thus, this is the primary indicator for any need for evaluation. There are also cases of self-advocacy where the student needs to disclose his or her disability status in order to get inclusion programs as stipulated in the federal and state laws. There are cases where the student seeks confidentiality regarding his or her documentation, handling of grievances, and evaluation of learning progress. These may indicate that there is a need for AT evaluation to provide useful information for inclusion and learning. Students may also engage the faculty in the provision of AT and inclusion to allow them be independent and access learning aids and curricula. In this respect, a student may conduct a self-evaluation concerning his or her dependent on AT and propose the necessary AT, justification for the new AT devi ces and how to get the new AT devices. A student may also decide to choose a suitable AT for his or her disability and decide on long-term AT devices and how to acquire them. At the same time, he or she may also identify issues with his or her existing AT devices and seek appropriate support and service from faculties or service providers. Describe both a formal and informal evaluation Both formal and informal evaluation strategies are suitable in the evaluation of learners with disabilities. Formal evaluation applies standardized systems or certain standards of instruments, which are academically suitable for learners with disabilities. There are standardized referenced tests, which compare a student’s performance to previously established standards rather than using performances of other students. Standardized referenced tests use standardized data for scoring such as age, ethnic group, or gender.Advertising Looking for essay on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Informal evaluation methods employ the use of non-standardized items like as teachers’ feedback, observations, developmental ratings, performance results, checklists, interviews, which are academically suitable for learners with disabilities. Informal evaluation methods depend on the knowledge, evaluation experience and judgment of the person who carries out the evaluation. We must note that some of the evaluation items may fall under both informal and formal items. For instance, we have standardized and structured observation procedures consisting of instruments. On the other hand, we may also have informal observation techniques with formal and professional evaluation. In some case, the evaluation process may use formal rating scale and use professional observation in assessing the learner’s behavior, motivation, strength, and weaknesses during an evaluation procedure. Describe the Principles of Universal Design (CAST) and how it has impacted the application of compu ter based assistive technology for individuals with disabilities The idea of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) emanated from Center for Applied Special Technology (CAST). UDL strives to achieve universal ranges of product design built for the widest ranges of disabilities. This is necessary instead of resorting to other items, which are difficult to adapt, costly, and inconvenient. Therefore, UDL focuses on the following agendas. First, UDL seeks to have several means of representation. This enables learners with disabilities to have multiple channels of acquiring information and knowledge. Second, UDL looks at a number of possible ways of expression. This enables learners to demonstrate their knowledge in a number of ways. Third, there are also ways of engagements. This focuses on capturing learners’ interests, providing motivation, giving challenges, and implementing different AT measures. Thus, the purpose is to assist learners with disabilities achieve their academic g oals, and help teachers in delivering curriculum content that students can master, meaningful, understandable, and engaging. Discuss the role and importance of assistive technology in the lives of individuals with disabilities AT has several roles in the lives of people with disabilities, and there are wide ranges of devices to cater for different forms of disabilities. AT devices allow people with disabilities to access, manipulate and control their environments. These devices include certain keyboards, mice, switches, and remote controls. There are also devices that help such people move from a point to another such as automatic door openers, ramps, and Braille signs. These devices also assist in daily life experiences. There are devices for eating, walking, dressing, and even brushing teeth. These devices include adapted toilets, special utensils, mugs, shower stalls among others. There are also listening devices to assist deaf or people with hearing problems. Such devices includ e amplifiers, hearing aids, typing telephones, and captions on TV. Communication or augmentative devices allow people with disabilities hear or communicate effectively with others. Such devices include voice output devices, computers, picture boards, and computer software. There are also computer-based instructions that help people to read, learn mathematics, write and learn other subjects too. People with disabilities also have mobility devices to assist them with their movements safely and independently in their environments. These devices include wheelchairs, adapted vehicles and walkers. There are also devices that can position people to retain good postures or avoid exhaustion. Such devices include the adapted chairs, standers, and tables among others. People who have visual difficulties in accessing information may use magnifiers, books on tapes, large-text prints, and talking computer programs. Describe how computer based assistive technology has impacted the areas of reading and writing for students with disabilities. Include in your response the potential barriers and solutions offered by AT from a multi-disability perspective Computer-based AT can address many challenges in reading and writing among learners with disabilities. There are recognition networks, which allow the student to identify and recognize patterns in the learning environment, such as letters, voices, colors, pictures, words, and among other complex patterns and give meaning to them. Learners have different recognition abilities. For instance, a learner who has a talent for English may have an aptitude for recognizing changes in sentence lengths while reading. Likewise, a learner with visual difficulties may use tactile and optical character recognition (OCR) as a means of recognition. Strategic networks â€Å"give the learner instructions on performing tasks by monitoring and carrying out actions†(Rose and Meyer, 2000). For instance, strategic networks enable learners to d evelop their writing, listening, and problem solving skills. Learners with disabilities can achieve and enhance skills and thinking abilities using experience, practice, and reinforcement. However, learners are unique and have different learning characteristics which affect the learning outcomes. Affective networks consider what is essential and offer learners the motivation for learning. Learners have several diverse motivating factors, which depend on individual differences in emotional state, culture, interests, level of difficulty, and performances outcomes among others. These are computer-aided AT that support learning i.e. writing and reading. However, learners’ abilities and their applications of these technologies in learning environments vary considerably. Meyer and Rose note â€Å"UDL approaches to instruction and curriculum development provide flexibility in the presentation of information, multiple ways for students to demonstrate knowledge, and diversity and cho ice in the content of lessons and assignments to support students’ diverse interests and learning styles†(Rose and Meyer, 2000). Thus, traditional forms of assessment, materials, and instructions like lectures, text materials, and written tests may present challenges to a number of learners. This is because educators develop such materials with broad needs of students. This means that merging AT and traditional methods of learning present serious challenges to instructors. We must recognize that â€Å"flexibility in classroom management, curriculum, teaching strategies, and evaluation is an essential part in realizing that learning opportunities are accessible to all learners†(Lewis, 1998). UDL aims to eliminate â€Å"learning barriers and the need to for an inclusion of individual students with disabilities by incorporating the needs of the largest range of learners in the design of lessons and curricular contents†(Lewis, 1998). Instructors can suppor t recognition networks by providing several and flexible formats for learners to get information and reinforce key concepts. These formats may include video, oral presentations, highlighting, digitized text, graphic organizers and give useful information about background of the study. We can support strategic networks through providing a number of means of expressing knowledge. These include written, oral, group presentation, PowerPoint, and so on. Likewise, we can also provide chances for practice and give immediate feedback to allow learners monitor their progress. Instructors can support â€Å"affective networks by offering learners with multiple choices of contents and tools, giving challenging tasks, providing varieties of recognition and rewards†(Rose and Meyer, 2000). For instance, learners may choose to work independently or as a part of a group. Teachers must ensure a balance and challenging contents with suitable supports for AT to enhance learners’ engageme nt. AT developments have their foundations on flexibility that support diverse learning techniques within these learning networks. Majorities of traditional teaching methods and curricular contents do not focus on the range of learners diversities that exist in a learning environment today under inclusion programs. AT approaches offer instructors chances of exploring innovative techniques to meet the diverse needs of different of learners. Consider Anna’s needs for AT and accommodations in the areas of reading and writing. Please consider no tech, low tech and high tech solutions as part of your assistive technology plan. Please include a rationale or justification for the assistive technology selected Some of Anna’s condition regarding reading and writing may require no technology device to resolve. For instance, Anna can choose to read as a part of group with other learners, take parts in role plays and presentations. When we consider low technology devices, Anna may use readily available solutions such PowerPoint, highlighting texts, books on tapes, videos, and so on. This is because Anna has an IQ that is above average. It means she encounters minimal difficulties in the learning process. Anna’s need for high technology solutions may be more elaborate than the two previous cases of no technology and low technology. These may be specific AT devices and services. In Anna’s case of recommending a solution for her reading and writing, we need specific tools. Anna has a problem of small, fine motor movements making her have difficulties in writing. Thus, she needs high technology devices of specialized software or hardware. Suitable AT devices for Anna include a larger keyboard that gives her hand movements to type, and computer-developed voices such as the synthesized speech. These tools will enable Anna to keep on track with her writings. Anna also needs abbreviation expander to enable her create, store, and re-use abbreviations f or frequently-used words or phrases. â€Å"This can save Anna hand movements and keystrokes, and ensure proper spelling of words and phrases she has coded as abbreviations†(Rose and Meyer, 2000).. Anna needs AT devices for writing text because she has such significant spelling problems that her teachers lack suggestions of what they are. She also has illegible handwriting that she cannot use for note-taking in class. AT devices, which can assist Anna write are word prediction, and a large electronic keyboard. These AT devices will support Anna in writing notes, which match and cover for the areas of difficulty and allow her write at level that matches her ability. Anna still needs AT devices, which can help revise the notes she has written even if she can avoid poor handwriting. She can use text-to-speech device to review and read the notes on the screen. She also has her key words or all notes highlighted as she reads them back. This enables her visually follow them as she reads aloud. Text-to-speech will enable Anna detect errors she makes while writing. With this support, Anna has the ability of becoming independent in revision of her writings and other notes. Anna can also use audio books and publications for a possible case of dyslexia. Recorded books will give Anna opportunities to listen and understand the text. â€Å"Recorded books are available in different formats like audiocassettes, MP3 downloads and CDs†(Rose and Meyer, 2000). References Becta. (2003). What the research says about ICT supporting special educational needs (SEN) and inclusion. Coventry: Becta. Golden, D. (1998). Assistive Technology in Special Education: Policy Practice. Reston, VA: CASE/TAM. Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. (1997). Individuals with Disabilities Act Amendments of 1997. Boston: United States Department of Education. Lewis, R. (1998). Assistive technology and learning disabilities: Today’s realities and tomorrow’s promises. J ournal of Learning Disabilities, 31(1) , 15-16. Rose, D. H. and Meyer, A. (2000). Teaching every student in the digital age: Universal design for learning. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. Appendix You are part of a CSE team that has just classified Anna. It has been determined that Anna has a learning disability. As a member of the CSE team you now need to begin considering Anna’s needs for assistive technology. Anna’s profile is listed below: Anna is a child in fourth grade and has a learning disability. Her teachers have difficulty deciphering her written output, because of both poor spelling and poor handwriting. They have difficulties with how long it takes Anna to write a response. She has difficulties with small fine motor movements, so writing is daunting. Anna also has difficulties in reading textbooks; Anna could possibly be dyslexic but has yet to be diagnosed. Anna has above average IQ, enjoys being in school, and love s interacting with her peers. This essay on Assistive Technology was written and submitted by user Ricky Mckenzie to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Stono Rebellion essays
Stono Rebellion essays African Dimensions of the Stono Rebellion When studying the Stono Rebellion of 1739, historians only had one eyewitness report of this. I think the reason they didnt document it very well was because the Southerners were so outnumbered by the slaves, they didnt want the other slaves to get ideas of rebellion. The historians also failed to look at the big picture. What they were in Africa. This played a big role in the Stono Rebellion. To understand the full role of Africa, one has to look at the kingdom of Kongo between 1680 and 1740 rather than just a broad overview of the African culture. This is due to the diversity of the Africans language and culture. Part of this uprising is due to the Spanish Roman Catholic Jesuits. Their job was to convince people to convert back to Catholicism, using violence when necessary. The Jesuits told these Angolan slaves to runaway and then they would have freedom. These slaves probably did what they said because that was their religion. The slaves were from a Portuguese Colony and spoke Portuguese. This language is very close to Spanish. The Spanish most likely told the slaves this so it would weaken the English settlements, maybe the Spanish could have taken over, but well never really know. On the slave trade, one town was almost always on their trip down the West Coast of Africa. This town was Kabinda. They got their slaves mainly from the kingdom of Kongo. There was a lot going on in this region. A lot of civil wars were happening and the defeated were sold as slaves. Because they had wars all of the time; these people were very well trained for war. These people were very proud of their catholic religion. In this Portuguese region, they had very nice schools and churches. When these Angolan slaves got to South Carolina, they must have been outraged. Here these well-educated, very well trained people were slaves now for ignora...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Art history ( Latin American Photography) (NO RESEARCH PAPER) Essay
Art history ( Latin American Photography) (NO RESEARCH PAPER) - Essay Example Thus combining the subject of an eye hoisted above pedestrian invokes mystery and multitude of meanings. Reversal of negative such as in Alvarez Bravo’s La Optica Moderna has been used for a long time. Print makers and typesetters are very familiar with this process albeit its use has not always been for art. Painters used this method by using lenses to cast reverse image of object. In this case, a flipped image caused by a reversed negative to cast a positive image on a paper to produce a reversed text. This is also the case of the eye except that it is not obvious that it is also a reversal because it cannot be read but rather a subject whose orientation does not change with the reversal of the negative. Rendering the artwork in reversed negative and then printing it in black and white or monochrome on a photography paper made Alvarez Bravo’s La Optica Moderna modern. It however strikes a paradox because the subject depicts ancient meanings such as deity and mystery especially with the inverted text but rendered through a modern medium of photography. Aesthetically, the image also became more appropriate of where it is hoisted which is in an optical shop except that the symbolism that the artwork suggests that there is â€Å"more than what meets the eye†or that it is not just a commercial signage. Especially when it is rendered in monochrome that marks a serious air about the image. It invites its viewer not just to visit the optic shop for a commercial or medical purpose but to examine closely what does the image means. The reversal of the image may intrigue the viewer of how it was rendered but rather than being curious of how a reversed negative was printed on a photography paper, the viewer will be move more by the eerie feeling of seeing an eye looking over them with a reversed text. It is interesting to note that the artwork was rendered in a photograph and not in
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Corporate Balanced Scorecard Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Corporate Balanced Scorecard - Research Paper Example The balanced scorecard has long been integrated with management to make sure that the appropriate level of control is taken into consideration while obtaining corporate goals has become a primary factor to engage in maximizing operation. In various departments of an organization, the corporate balanced scorecard is a remarkable tool to help improve or ensure substantial operation that would lead to the company’s competitive advantage. For instance, in marketing department, it is important to make sure that significant information should be obtained from customers to guarantee high level of customer satisfaction and to make sure repeat purchase or positive word of mouth on certain product or service offerings. For this reason, it is important for companies to collect information from the customers in order to identify the level of customer satisfaction. In the balanced scorecard, the actual level of customer satisfaction should be set as the evaluative measure to know if there has been a good effort created that must have contributed to the actual level of performance concerning customer satisfaction. ... vel of satisfaction it serves primarily to the marketing department, because it is appropriate and substantial response with considerable haste could contribute to the actual level of customer satisfaction to be generated by the organization. Balanced scorecard is therefore a very important tool that would help enhance corporate performance. There are many things organizations should learn about it as a primary tool to help them realize adding a higher value for their customers, financial standing, learning and growth and internal business process. The purpose of this paper is therefore to explore the literature concerning corporate balanced scorecard, and the summary of information of organization using it. In finding these, there would be significant basis on certain conclusion why corporate balanced scorecard is used by specific organization. So it is important that the primary information about an organization should be well evaluated in order to find out at which point corporate balanced scorecard has been making sense in its actual purpose and usage. There are many literatures linked with the balanced scorecard and it is the intention of the proponent to integrate them into the actual discussion of this report. Furthermore, the integration of information concerning the organization using the corporate balanced scorecard is also taken into account in understanding possible implications of performance measurement and control. Literature review on corporate balanced scorecard The balanced scorecard was introduced by David Norton and Robert Kaplan in 1992 as they were interested to study performance measurement that would include tangible assets for value creation (Kaplan, 2008). They were primarily inspired to know about measurement for driving performance
Monday, November 18, 2019
Business ethics Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Business ethics - Research Paper Example Marketing mixes have several areas and are critical in setting up the strategies that are ideal to manage the dynamic environmental effects of the target market. In almost all circumstances, market mixes are inter-connected, interdependent, and they also bring together numerous factors. Marketing mix is often explained under the 4ps (Product, Price, Place, and Promotion) which put together, the 4ps produce a set of manageable strategic marketing gears that an organization puts together to attain the desired response in the objective market (Kotler, 2003). Product; a product is anything that can be presented to a market to meet the needs and wants of a certain market. Products generally refer to physical goods, services, persons, places, firms or even ideas. In a deeper sense, a product is not a necessarily a physical item but an awareness of the buyer or the person who uses it. Product therefore denotes the contentment of the client rather than a physical good. Goods are elements of consumer satisfaction; marketing mix is the method or tool that constitutes this customer satisfaction (Doyle, 2000). Place; place denotes the circulation avenues that an organization uses to communicate its own physical products or services to the final user of that product. The distribution of an organization products refers to the ‘When’ ‘Where’ and ‘How’ a service or availed to the user. For organizations that provide services, the ‘When’ denotes the time frame in which the service is offered. ‘Where’ denotes the location of the particular services while ‘How’ depicts the nature of supply (Doyle, 2000). Price; price is a flexible and principal element, which establishes the returns/profitability/market share for the company. From the perspective of a client, price is a determinant factor since most consumers’ first look at the price
Friday, November 15, 2019
Marketing analysis of the UK chocolate manufacturer Cadbury
Marketing analysis of the UK chocolate manufacturer Cadbury The history of Cadbury starts from a Grocers shop at Birmingham. In 1824 john Cadbury started this shop as a Quaker. His basic opposition to alcohol makes his focus to stimulation drinks like tea, coffee, cocoa and liquid chocolate. Later he moved to manufacturing chocolate and cocoa leaving his shop closed. In 1831 Cadbury got the royal warrant for supplying chocolate to Queen Victoria. On hunt of growth and quality which can be produced from a clean atmosphere, they moved to outskirts of Birmingham city and built the factory in a garden and named it as Bourneville, the brand released in 1879. In 1905 they lunched there iconic brand Dairy milk which still stand as leading brand and revenue generator for Cadbury. Early 1920s Cadbury starts overseas manufacturing in Tasmania. Cadbury focussed on the well being of work force. Late 70s Cadbury merged with Schweppes and added the tail name Cadbury Schweppes. Almost two century race of Cadbury bags more brands in candy and industry and th ey developed a firm brand name and emerged as a world leader in chocolate and candy market segment. On 2008 demerging process happened to separate the confectionary and drinks operations and they sold Schweppes to Dr Pepper group. The recent hostile atmosphere for acquisition of Cadbury leads to sale of Cadbury to US confectionary giant Kraft. Currently Cadbury and its all range of products are subsidiary of Kraft foods. Looking closer to the business operations of Cadbury, they operate in 60 countries in 45,000 employees supported by millions of customers. Cadbury owns different brands like Trident, Halls, heritage on their journey of acquisitions. Methodology of the Report The Methodology of the document is designed to answer the question for the report. The information collection is through internet sources and organisation websites. The recent Acquisition By Kraft foods makes some struggle to get the recent information. The unavailability of recent information and future strategies of Cadbury from Kraft foods leads to make a report based on information before acquisition on February 2010. Mission and vision of Cadbury The governing objective of Cadburys based on a statement To deliver superior shareowner returns. The higher end priority shows to capability, growth and efficiency. The focus of organisation process delivered to higher end global and regional brands. The investment in developing new brands and attaining owner ship of established products are on the vein. The relentless focus on cost and efficiency with the distinct interest to reconfiguring the distribution and manufacturing is shown up in their operations. The capability to give guarantee to investors and customers are highly projected in organisation objective. Cadbury strengthened them self to a pure-play confectionary business. Cadburys business operations are value oriented which focus on performance, quality, respect, integrity, responsibility. The basic business principles of Cadbury and their code of ethics conduct considerate on local and global legal and cultural standards. They are highly considerate about the demographic atmosphere of each country where they are operating on. Cadburys leadership imperative s is aggressive aiming competitive domination over competitors and they are highly passionate to be the best. Leadership imperatives focuses on growing their human resources, accountability, living their values , adaptability, forward thinking, motivating and collaborative atmosphere is established to put up the growth of business. The research and development of Cadbury focuses with innovation through customer insights, trends and foresights. The feedback from millions of customers is reviewed as a input for future innovations. They always realise the commonalties across different operating markets. In innovation they follow science centred operations. For example centre- filled gum makes sensation over 80 markets around world. The attitude of doubling the development with concentration on science and technology and concentrating on developing a smaller number of innovations that have big impact on paying-off in business world. The adaptation of brand new communication techniques in frontline Medias makes more interaction to consumers with their loved brands. The integration of putting all together in new formats, new recipe utilising new technology are followed in growth. The innovative communication campaigns are conducted to arrange sponsorship and marketing programs. Cadbury vision statement is Our vision is to be the biggest and the best confectionery company in the world Strategic position of Cadbury Cadbury is a world leader in confectionary among companies operating in peer market. Average international 10 % market share is maintaining in overall operation countries. The 200 year old heritage of Cadbury with outstanding brand portfolio supports the business. The clear strategy makes Cadbury a firm position in emerging and broadly spread markets. Cadbury committed on its vision who the biggest and best company be doing confectionary business. Overall global revenue hits  £5.4bn with an operating profit of  £638 m from overall 60 countries. Cadbury shows up average growth of 12 % in last 5 years and attain 11% market share in emerging markets. The overall growth percentage ranges on 7% in revenue, 11.9 % in operating margin and 6 % in dividend growth. On a strategic highlight business transforms into a category led pure play confectionary company. Cadbury manages the uncertainty in economic global outlook in a serious manner. The issue regarding the cocoa prices and the concentration of competitor challenges are forecasted well. The business model framed by Cadbury got a global footprint, with powerful and respected brands. The passionate and talented management makes a silence in history on ongoing economic downturns. Cadbury management shows the commitment on making further progress based on vision and mission for increased revenue and growth. The corporate responsibility and integral areas of Cadbury is managed with sustainable business practices. The commitments on sustainability are integrated in the vision ad converting them into action of operations. The corporate mantra of Cadbury fulfils the combined phrase fewer, faster, bigger, better which is applied to the customer service relationship operations. Leading edge programs like Cadbury World which makes customer a visit and feel of Cadbury production along with the Cadbury cocoa partners makes the organization responsible and consumption initiative. Cadbury investing in advantaged brands. Cadbury makes more operational profit from owned brands than from confectionary products. There portfolio products like Dairy milk, Trident, Halls, flake in addition to confectionary in markets like Green and Blacks, The natural confectionary ,crà ¨me eggs, Clorets and Bubbaloo. The competitive advantage of Cadbury across three confectionary categories of chocolates, gums and cand y makes them a globally strong organisation. The Cadbury operations are widely spread over to 60 countries and the business units are divided as Britain and Ireland North America South America Europe Pacific Asia Middle East and Africa. Cadbury got a major strength in Europe and American markets and they got significant strength in Asian and African markets as well. Cadburys position in emerging markets are represented though the diagram below. Fig1: Position in emerging Markets( Source : Euromonitor) Cadbury12% Mars-Wrigley Nestle Kraft Cadbury s PESTEL Porters five forces model puts up apower ful evaluation of competivie organisations forces for an organisation in Industry in general. It is delvelopes bu Michael porter in 1979. The five forces under sonsideration in this model is The existing competition in the industry The threat from potential new entrants The advantage/ threat on power of suppliers The advantage/ threat from power of customers. Threat of substitute products similar to own product PESTEL.jpg In this context cadburys PESTEL analysis is revieved here on the basis of UK home market. The political, economical , social, technological, environmental and legal issues regarding Cadbury plc in UK is mentioned below. Political The change of governing party form labour to conservatives in coalition with Liberal democrats may affect Cadbury in either positive or negative way. The high end restrictions on skilled workers entry from external Europe and imposing of taxes will affect future investment scenario and share holder dividend payments. From October 2010 the increase in VAT from 17.5 to 20 % affect the prices of Cadbury products as well. The purchasing interest of customers are de-motivated though this higher tax decisions. May the effect of tax increase make the government to revise the taxation in next financial quarter? Legal Legal actions can also make significant changes in Cadburys operation. The recent acquisition to Kraft foods makes big hassle with stake holders and a higher refusal from government sector. Cadbury, one of the prestigious chocolate brands is slipped from British Ownerships. The legal notices for employee working hours are another issue which delimits the working hours and extra performance of skilled employees. The legal actions to cut short factory hours may affect Cadbury in a adverse manner. Another legal issue is concerning with the healthcare of customers and peoples using chocolate products in common. The obesity problems and subsequent fewer are mostly reported to National health service ( NHS). Most heart problems caused due to usage of cocoa products are discussed in legal scenario as well. If there any legal regulation for usage of contents inchocalate is imposed , it may affect Cadbury in an inverse manner. Economic The international economic slowdown affect Cadbury UK business operation and international operations as well. The cost cutting nature of customers and limited expenditure budget affect Cadbury sales to down flow. The regulation in interest rates may affect the expansion projects of Cadbury. the short of disposable income in customers and stake holders make them stand back on purchasing more sweet product s or rather investing in Cadbury. The Acquisition of Cadbury to Kraft food makes a good value to share holders, mean while the dependency of organisation to economic circumstance may decide the future value of Cadbury shares. The national minimum wage will be also dependent to economic situation affecting Cadbury, if it is brought down, the operational cost may come down in employee payments , but it will affect inversely in sales figures. Social Issues The social trend to crisp industry and snacking is increasing. Based on the study from recent years, UK population mostly prone to snacks and crisps rather than chocolates , candy and gums. This drastic change affects Cadbury in sales figures. The introduction od Cadbury world makes a great experience to visitors and exploring the Cadbury manufacturing process. The lip to lip advertisement is mostly focussed on Cadbury world programme. Direct and indirect advantages will be earned to local community around the Cadbury world locality. The customer consciousness about health and contents used in products may affect sales figure. This may make Positive or negative impact on Cadbury business segment. The public releases and bans on ingredients used in Cadburys in addition to advice from dieticians are more threat to sales. Technological Issues The technological issues make more sense in development of Cadbury in research and development section. The implementation of new brew machines to blend coffee and cocoa gains vital importance in future growth of Cadbury. The cost of machinery, maintance of new machinery and implementation of new technology in production streams makes overhead expenses to Cadbury future plans. The takeover by Kraft food may intervene more technological advance in production line. The cost cutting measure and implementation of Lean system in production line with Kaizen model is planned to reduce the production cost. Cadburys Swot SWOT analysis is a strategic planning method used by organisation to anlyse there strengths, weakness, threats and opputunities. SWOT analysis may be incorporated with strategic planning model of organisation. It makes a realisation of Strengths: Attribute supporting to attain the objectives of organisation Weakness: Points which are harmful to attain objectives of organisation Threats: External attributes which may affect to damage organisations existence and operations. Oppurtunities: : External trends and conditions which may help to make a better fortune of organisation swot_img2.gif Cadburys SWOT analysis shows its strategic planning positions in market Strengths Cadburys strong leadership position in confectionary business is the main strength of organisation. It has 9.2 % share in international confectionary market, which is driven by strong positions in regional markets. An International competitor Mars have only market share of 9% in confectionary goods. Cadbury have a slide number two position in market with leading 23 positions including chocolate and gum. The strong experience gained through 200 years of manufacturing and the brand name added with strong brands like Dairy milk, Bourneville and flake re great strength to Cadbury. Highly strengthen innovative teams are another strength of Cadbury. The unique analysis of customer requirements which is totally focussed on chocolate, candy and chewing gum makes domination in these segments. The successful growth of Cadbury through acquisition of great brands enables Cadbury to expand its market presence to wider commodities and regional markets. Weakness The higher level of dependency to confectionary goods and the diversified operations through acquired brands make the key point on Cadburys weakness. The international experience short in certain regions compared to other competitors like nestle makes a weakness. The lack of domination in business regions except Europe and America makes another area of weakness. The misunderstanding in emerging markets lead to wrong market strategies . the misconceptions made by other brands regarding Cadbury also affecting its sales and marketing operation in some regional markets. Opportunities The opportunities leading to expand Cadburys business operation make the key. The finding of market presence in new markets and increase of market share in emerging markets like, china, India, Brazil are key opportunities. These countries higher population can be utilised to increase the market share. The emerging markets are focusing on consumer wealth and the increasing demand of confectionary goods can be utilised. The scope of merger operations in emerging markets with the existing confectionery manufactures may deliver more advantage to Cadburys. Adequate evaluation of markets and targeted acquisitions may help to increase the market share of organisation. Another range of opportunity resides with the manufacturing cost and distribution. The increased efficiency may deliver effective product supply and manufacturing system. Cadburys effort to increase the cost efficiency is fuelled by technological support and implementation of advanced technology. The shift of production units to low cost economies is another scope which can reduce production cost. The shift of production to countries cultivating cocoa, chocolate and coffee may reduce logistics cost of Cadbury. Reduction of internal costs in supply chain management, procurement, and outsourcing to appropriate business partners make a wise opportunity to Cadbury. The opportunity reside in the innovation is another key which making of new products according to user demands. Products which are healthier and should deliver lower calories may hit the market. Sugar free products market is also too wide to operate and innovate. The lower fat, sugars free which are organic and natural product s in confectionery makes a strong demand in market. The takeover of Cadbury by Kraft foods lead to utilise more business techniques and market options in future for Cadbury products. Threats The increased demand of worldwide greenery maintenance and value to environment is a challenging factor for Cadbury and its manufacturing units. The new manufacturing standards in business regions may impose more input to production and there by investments led to reduced operational margin. The environment care in energy usage, transportation, sugar and coffee along with packaging materials make a challenging posture in financial figure and technology hiring. The shift to new systems may pull back exiting techniques and methods which should be replaced with new systems and machineries. The shift of supply chain to low cost economies make hassle sin existing manufacturing regions and even may face ban to Cadbury products. The threats from competitors and other regional brands makes Cadbury operations more competitive. Aggressive promotion events from competitors and price wars are highly affected for Cadbury products in certain emerging markets. Increased health consciousness in deve loping economies will affect Cadbury in health problems like obesity, diabetic fevers. The misconceptions and advertisement from health organisation may reduce the market demand of Cadbury products in these markets. Demand for more nutritious and healthier food may demand substitute products from Cadbury or it may be taken by some competitor in future. Here also threats are getting g along with Kraft foods. the bad will of any of the Kraft products may inversely affect Cadbury products as well . The acceptance level of Kraft in certain regions will affect eh marketing operations of Cadbury products. Risk Management of Cadbury Cadburys risk management process identifying risk is set by the management board. The day by day operations are monitored by compliance committee which is chaired by CEO and CLO. The operational and strategic risks are identifies through this operations. The audit team of organisation make an independent reassurance for standard risk assessment. Risk evolved in short term period is evaluated by this group, which is generated from small business units. The external risks which are from competition with global, regional and local players are sorted with competitive strategies based on price and profits. The consolidation inside industry makes a gain to competitors, so preferred supplier status is reviewed on product basis and superior industry. The risk associated with market volatility and economic conditions are also reviewed. This risk may effect through poor predictability and negative impact of profit generation. Appropriate hedging methods will be used to avoid these risks and fi nd ways to diligent about efficiency and costs. Internal risks, strategic risks and environment control is managed with care. IS/IT STRATEGY For an individual to complete his duties and also perform his job in a proper way he needs to be trained properly and also needs the skills and attributes required for that particular job. Training helps a lot in getting the skills right and also helps in learning more that that what is given in the books. It helps in honing some specific skills required. Cadbury is working very hard in imparting the required training and the knowledge required to the particular individual and also keeps him updated with the latest technology in order to win orders in the future and also to make competitive products. The training which is provided should be systematic in a way that it does not hamper the day to day operations of the organisation. The procedure might be divided in steps as follows Analysis of work place requirements Analysis of t training essential training type required for employees Usage of experienced employed in manufacturing line and their contribution in training Adequate framing and implementation of training process. Monitoring the training process to get into better production level. The solutions company which is providing the external consultancy to the company is also ensuring that the proper training programs are given to the company individuals and the staff so that they can act with high productivity and also with less failure. It is also checking that the communication level in the company is also at a highest level so that the information flow is not affected. The goal of the training and the education that was being provided ensures that the managers and also the top management are properly educated. . The on the job training provided to the workers and the staff the system has committed in the technology and the management in the field. This technology and the management of change that is provided by the solutions company has helped Cadbury in reaching the goals and objectives set by the organisation. Cadburys Business Strategy in change management Category Simplicity The focus on category simplicity and scale to help revenue growth is managed under the structure of managing each confectionary category on international basis. Cadbury focus on resources in generous markets on each confectionary product which innovative products are introduced first. The strategy is chosen on changing innovation methods from smaller advantage innovations to larger advantage innovations which can deliver a competitive advantage. For this kind of innovations increased resources are applied to attain the result. The focus on consumer preference and products which consumers more like will be put as drive advantage products. These products will increase trade volume on key markets. Rationalisation will be taken for smaller products with less than 5 % market share in individual markets. This rationalisation process were implemented in a preferred time plan. The growth of focus brands mainly will be accounted to 50 % confectionary revenue. The strongest potential brands like Dairy milk, Trident, Halls may five more focus in marketing level. The rest of the main brands crà ¨me egg, Hollywood, Dentyne, Clorets are promoted widely in Emerging markets. The focuses on markets are also considered per scale of growth. Major market share countries like US, UK, Mexico, Japan, Turkey and France will be accelerated with gum products and increase the market strength. Elaboration opportunities in remaining countries like South Africa and Australia are clustered around regional offices to lead markets into affinity markets. The re-launching of Wispa with wispa Gold along with old brand is planned. The production unit at Bourneville will manufacture this new product suffixing less market share products. New variants of Tridents gums are planned to release in upcoming year , innovation activities are almost finished for these products . Release formalities are on the vein. The opportunity through National confectionary .co to enter small variety foods will be utilised. These small variety goods will help to strengthen new categories of confectionary goods. The market domination in three confectionary categories is revived along with pull out strategy for low market share less profit brands. The market potential will be individually realised and put up new products which were not yet released to those markets. Customer partnership programs Customer partnership programs are planned to solve confectionary marketing issues. Through the seven leading business units and three trade channels Cadbury planned to make unique place in customer service to pull up market position. The top retailers are motivated for pumping market oriented products in subsidiary markets. These markets already got strong confectionary positions for Cadbury. Expanding the platforms to strengthen the partnership and enhancing acquisition operations are planned. The investigation process for finding new market positions and confectionary opportunities are developed. As a initial step integration process is going on with acquired companies in Turkey. Mean time integration of newly acquired organisations in regional markets will be linked to major business units. Cadburys efficiency is encapsulated to improve ambitious targets and thereby increase operating margins. The age market is another segment of innovation with customer partnerships, which range from teens to old peoples. New products for these range of customers will be introduced in coming future. Cost management and change The realisation of customer investment makes lot of changes in our strategic view on input costs. Customer investment s are managed in well manner to increases input costs and thereby improving the profit of the organisation. The cost reduction process is handling in all departments like supply and general administration. By combining the group operations with the home management of UK Cadburys , they expect a reduction of cost in upcoming years. The cluster programme to combine the individual operation of different countries linking to major business units are under vein. The enhancement of leveraging and capabilities in Europe is under reorganisation process. The centralised option for decision making will be adapted based on countries and elabororate brand management. The closure programs of manufacturing units as a part of cost reduction will undergo in coming years. The manufacturing units of acquired organisations are mostly come under this section. The aim of improving the operating margin performance is the key in upcoming markets like Nigeria, china and Russia. The focus on strengthening resources availability to Britain and Ireland is inevitably changed in coming years. New IT system implementation will be implemented by the end of 2010. Category led Business Focussing the operations on profitable opportunities than less profit events. The justification and effective usage of scrace resources are managed in well manner. Improving the working capital of business operation is another area of change. The product rationalisation programmed will be managed with committee to get it for appropriate diminishing products. Change can be basically defined as the simplified, organised and systematic application of knowledge, tools and resources that helps the organisations with key ideas and processes to achieve their basic business strategy. If the things that are going on in the company are made to go ahead then there will be no future developments in the company and the organisation after a certain stage will definitely fail. The management of change is not an easy process and needs to be properly supervised. Managing the change effectively will help in a proper control and also accelerate the change in a proper way and help in the future achievements. There are many studies that study the other aspect of the management and that are the human side of the subject. People do not accept change in a positive way and it is more seen when it is when related to the culture and the tradition of the people. In case of Nissan Motor Manufacturing (UK) Limited (NMUK) they should be evaluating the risks that should be covering the current situation in order that a successful change management process is amplified. Figure Change Management Model Identify the Change Prepare to Change Sponsor Target Change Agent Culture History Resistance Current Desired Implement the Change Monitor the Change Delta Plan the Change Communication As per the study of Cole (1997) it can be said that in any particular organisation at a given point of time there will be a number of factors that will act as a driving force and others will be acting as a restraining force. The force field model is as summarised as below These days there has been a clear showdown in the production and the improvement and also development in all areas of the manufacturing. It is more than evident in the field of automobiles where the recession has played a major role and also it has affected a lot in these circumstances. The use of the solutions given by the company has helped a lot in the reduction of the cost of production and has been able to generate some ample revenue for the company. The change in the organisation has to be kept in mind the different processes of change and also the different modern technology that will help in the success and growth of the company. The effectiveness and the efficiency of the system for which the company has been employed will help them in each and every situation and also help in the reducing of the mistakes and reduction of the defects of the company. It also helps them with the solutions and the full documentation of the provision of the access for the conservation and the stability of the information to include the best practices in the organisation. The system will help the customers access to the most important data that they require and that too in a very period of time which will help in the reduction of the costs and help in the reduction of the expensive change in the engineering processes. The most important steps which will help in the control of the change management process and also to implement it without undergoing any other failures which will hamper the progress of the successful implementation of the system are The managers and the in charge personnel of the department should be clarified in the idea of the change management and should be cleared in their minds about the change in the process that is being going on. The staff should be given the detailed explanation of why such a change is going on and also be told about the advantages of it. The development of the future plan will help in the implementation of the system without any disruption. The preparations for the implementation of the plan will help in the process with the presence of the experts and the specialists that were available for this. RECOMMENDATIONS Taking into consideration the above analysis it can be said that in order to bring about a proper change management in the organisation it is required that the leadership should be proper and there should be a proper systematic flow of information from one point to another. Also there should not be any negative leaders which hamper the progress and instead there should be positive leaders which will help in the positive growth of the organisation. There needs to be more focus and attention should be given on the minute detail that is in the overall change management process. The selection of leaders in such an organisation will play a vital role in the overall process which will ensure the implementation of the change management process. Knowledge management will play a major role in the exchange of knowledge from the staff to the other workers and this will be taken care by the Training solutions network and solutions provider. The support of the senior management and the training provided in such a case is also very important and will lead to a better understanding between the other team members. Above all cadburys should be focussing on the following points that are mentioned below to tackle future c
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
The True Hero of Homers The Iliad Essay -- Home Poetry Poem Iliad Ess
The True Hero of Homer's The Iliad The Iliad is a story in which many men should be recognized as great war heroes. They all show a tremendous amount of courage to fight in such a barbaric battle. But this paper?s main focus is between two great leaders of opposing sides. Achilles, who represents the Achaians and Hector, who represents the Trojans. Though both show their bravery during many different instances in the poem, it?s quite obvious to the reader who the better of the two is. The rest of this paper will prove why Hector is a greater hero in comparison to Achilles. The reader is introduced to Achilles in the first book of the poem. King Agamemnon and Achilles are having a conflict over a woman. But if you read deeper into the conflict it has more to do with honor. Honor seems to be the most important thing to all of the characters in the poem. In book two, after the argument between Achilles and King Agamemnon has come to a hault, Achilles has already decided not to defend his army. He feels the king has dishonored him, by refusing to give him Chryseis. So for about  ¾ of the war he did not help his fellow brothers in battle, instead he chose to pout for more than half of the poem. He knew that he was desperately needed at one point and still refused to assist in battle. He kept tabs on everything that was going on by sending out Patroklos to Nestor. Nestor would keep him up to date with the daily occurrences. There are three separate occasions where things weren?t going in favor of Achilles, and he would cry. His tears were so heavy and his cries so loud that his mother would come down from the heavens (She is a goddess) to offer her assi... ...his life. The battle was very intense and the poem gives a great description of the occurrences. The reader can easily get a mental image of the scene. Their final battle was described from the setting in the sky, all the way to Achilles? spear ripping through the flesh in Hectors neck.. I could almost hear the clanking of the weapons of the two warriors. In my opinion if Achilles would?ve been in battle for as long as Hector he wouldn?t have won. Hector died fighting for his country and that was believed to be the greatest honor of them all. If you take the two characters and hold them up next to one another there isn?t even a question in my mind as to who portrays the more heroic role. Achilles fought in the end because he blamed himself for the death of his friend. Hector fought for his country, his family, and for his honor.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Offshoring benefits and advantages Essay
Some businesses choose offshoring to solve the issue of expertise, especially for IT personnel. These companies claim they simply cannot find enough qualified employess in the United States to do certain technology jobs. Do you agree with this assessment? Why or why not? From first glance at this statement, it seems like a line that from businesses to help justify their offshoring practices. This statement is one that seems like it would come out of the PR department when consumers are voicing their displeasure over the company’s choice to offshore their processes. It is definitely not the truth for a company in today’s economy. I have a number of friends that work for Nationwide Insurance here in Gainesville Fl. It is mostly a call center operation here and they are constantly hearing rumors about the company moving the operations over seas to save money. If Nationwide does end up doing this at some point, it will not be because of a lack of qualified people to do the work. With Gainesville being a college town, there are plenty of available and qualified employees to accomplish the work. Maybe this is one of the mains reasons they have not yet outsourced this call center. Although I believe what I have previously stated, there are instances in the past 15 years where this comment could have been completely correct and legitimate. In doing my research for this question, I came across an article about the advantages and benefits of offshoring. They surmised that during the â€Å"mid 1990’s, U. S. -based businesses have looked overseas to locate their manufacturing, business IT Applications Maintenance and Call Center and other operations in emerging countries with strong labor forces, low wage rates and favorable business climates. This trend was accelerated by Y2K and the IT industry’s need to rapidly build software maintenance â€Å"factories†to research, correct and test the â€Å"millennium bug†. With this being said, it is believable that at the rate at which this IT world has grown, the need for more qualified employees could not have been adequately handled with the options in the United States at the time. It would take at least 4-6 years for the future and current students to see the trend of job needs and decide to enter that field. So, at the time, the companies had to make these decisions for more than cost concerns. In the past few years, this has changed in our country. Students are getting IT jobs and with the amount of people out of work there are more students in our country than ever before. In March 2010 Gartner reported: â€Å"India is also starting to face some challenges including wage inflation, local attrition rates, geographical issues and financial irregularities. Because of this and the ever increasing â€Å"hidden costs†, companies are beginning the process of IT Onshoring. In his article, Herge states that the cost savings of offshoring for companies today is somewhere between 0-10%. For most companies this is not worth the negative publicity and the other possible hidden costs to come. They have begun bringing jobs back home and hopefully our students have studied hard to help this country grow!
Friday, November 8, 2019
Reflection Essay Topics #038; Ideas
Reflection Essay Topics #038; Ideas A piece of academic writing that is called a reflective essay implies a depiction and analysis of the author’s personal experience. When composing such writing, remember that you should concentrate more on your inward feelings instead of the occasion itself. The readers ought to imagine a picture of your identity and understand what circumstances have led to such a formation of your personality. The following topics do not need much research but are rather aimed at developing your introspection capabilities. In this manner, your ideas and opinions should form the largest part of the reflective essay. Keep in mind, however, that although this kind of writing gives you almost unlimited creative freedom, it must also be logical so that the readers are able to understand the sequence of actions, thoughts, and feelings that led to a particular conclusion. Topics: The Moment of Great Pain Pain performs a significant role in the development of any person. It may become a good mentor and catalysis of inner changes of your individuality. Try to recollect the moment when you experienced severe pain, and then tell a story about it. Describe what you felt and how it affected your later life. Consider if there was a lesson that you learned through this experience. First Experience of Racism or Inequality Think about a moment from your past when you understood that you experienced inequality. Even if it was not your personal experience, maybe some of your friends or family members encountered it, or you noticed it in the streets, at school, or even on television. Explain your opinion concerning injustice and describe your emotions when you see it. A Visit to a Museum A reflection essay about a visit to a museum is a common assignment among educational institutions. Your paper is supposed to show the knowledge you have gained after the tour and the feelings you have experienced during it. Ensure to incorporate as many details as possible so that your readers could experience this event by themselves. The Experience of Failure Try to recollect the first or the most heartbreaking experience of failure that ever happened in your life. Focus on your emotions when you understood that you failed. What conclusion have you made from that event? Was this experience helpful in your later life? Do not be afraid to be emotional since it is even essential for such a topic. Besides, try to make your story logical. The Role of Education in Your Life Being a student is a matter of choice. So first, you can explain why you decided to get a degree. Was it your personal decision? Did your parents or friends impose it? You either can write about how vital education is in your present or how essential it is going to be in the future life, or even both. Besides, consider not only practical but also emotional aspect of education: how do you feel while studying, and how challenging it is for you? Your Ideas about the Essence of Love Although millions of people did it millions of times, try to give your own definition of love. Provide examples from your life: think if you have ever experienced love and how it felt. If you never experienced it, then explain how you would know if you were in love. You can also write about your attitude towards the role of love in human life. The Role of Religion in Your Life The topic of religion is rather broad and is often controversial, but what you have to do is to focus on your attitude towards religion. Remember to put tolerance in the first place, since even if you are an atheist, it does not mean that religion doesnt play a particular role in your life. Describe how religion intertwines your life (though parents, school, or yourself) and how you feel about it. What Was the Biggest Challenge in Your Life? Life is challenging in all its manifestations, so it would not be that hard for you just to pick one of them. Write about it using descriptive language and tell the reader how you feel when you pass or fail that challenge. You have to make your readers understand how your personality changed after this event. Unfair Punishment from Your Parents Our understanding of justice forms in early childhood and develops in later life. The most common example of an unjust punishment is when there are two children of the same gender with a small age gap between them. The older child is often unjustly punished since he or she should be more mature than the sibling is and behave better. There are many other examples and moments that you might come up with, but remember that it is essential to focus on your inner self and your feelings. How has it changed your personality, affected your later life, and changed your definition of justice? Your Happiest Memory from the Childhood For most people all over the globe, childhood is the happiest time in their life since it is so naive and carefree. Think about your childhood and describe it from the perspective of the person you are at present. Tell whether it was happy and carefree, or maybe it was tough and challenging. Then, recollect the most joyful moment you have experienced being a child, and retell it. Provide some background that has led to this moment, explain why you felt happy back then, and describe your feelings from the perspective of the kid you were. Moving to a New Place Relocation always causes particular emotional feedback, be it a new country or city, or even an apartment or school. Tell a story from your life when you have to move to another place and express your attitude towards it as well as emotions caused by relocations. For instance, it often seems like the previous place was much better than the new one, but over time, a person gets used to changes. Getting Married It is not essential to be married in order to compose a reflective essay on this topic. You can write about your attitude towards marriage, your plans for future connected with it, or your expectations concerning the spouse and wedding. You may also ask your parents or friends who are married about their experience and convey it into your essay, accompanied by your own opinions. Your Most Memorable Dream or Nightmare By their very essence, dreams are the uncontrollable act of reflection. They show up our hidden desires, fears, or sometimes the voice of conscience. Many people have one or few dreams or nightmares that they remember for a long time. In this manner, try to recall one of them and describe, paying attention to details. Then, strive to analyze it and reflect on your life. Was there a reason why a certain dream occurred? First Dating Experience Describe your experience of the first date with the person you liked. Write about how it all started; whether it was you, who made the first step or was it your partner. Was the date successful or was it a failure? Tell about your expectations toward it and then compare them to reality. Keep in mind the most critical thing – focus more on your emotions and inner experience rather than on the event itself. Your First Job Experience This topic can be correlated to the previously discussed topic concerning your biggest challenge. Recall your first day at work and describe how you felt back then. People always tend to stress too much the first time they are given a responsible task. Share your experience of overcoming inner obstacles that appeared in your mind during that first time. The Role of Social Platforms in Your Life The modern world is based on and heavily dependent on technologies, and that is why it is essential to give due attention to the things we use, whether they are necessary for us at all. In this manner, describe the role of some social platforms like Facebook in your life. How do you use them and how important are they for you? Would you be able not to use them anymore? Ask yourself a bunch of questions, and it is likely that you will understand something new during writing. Your Favorite Book Pick one of the books you have read that made a lasting impression. Provide a short description of the reading: name author, title, date of publishing, and brief annotation of the work. Then, tell what is so special about this book for you mainly. Did it push you to some revelation and inner changes? Try to explain the impact of this book on your later life and behavior. Have You Ever Isolated Yourself from Society? Describe your solitary experience if such ever happened in your life. Maybe you went wandering in dense woods, high mountains, or even isolated yourself from the world in your room. Explain the reason for your decision and tell whether there was something that you understood from that period of complete solitude. Observations of Nature For this topic try to spend some time observing nature and writing down notes of your thoughts. For instance, when you watch how birds build their nest, thinking about how similar that is to a young couple decorating their apartment would be good. Alternatively, while observing how ants are almost aimlessly running around their anthill, you can link it to people from big cities who hurry up to their work. Try to give the things you observe some deeper meaning through reflection. Extreme Kinds of Sport Have you ever participated in an extreme kind of sport? Or, would you like to do it sometime in the future? Describe one or several sporting activities that you find dangerous. Try to explain why people tend to engage in extreme practices that might lead to fatality. Write about your attitude towards participating in an activity that carries a risk, and reflect on whether you would do it and why. Conclusion The topics mentioned above ought to help you understand the essence of reflective essay. In fact, you can change and paraphrase the topic titles according to your desires and preferences. Keep in mind that reflective essay is not only aimed to tell a story about yourself, but also to identify your personality and beliefs through reflection. In such type of writing, you are able to show that you are indeed a unique person.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
6 Fast-Growing Healthcare Jobs for 2015 and Beyond
6 Fast-Growing Healthcare Jobs for 2015 and Beyond The healthcare industry is poised for tremendous growth in the years ahead thanks to the influx of insured Americans through the Affordable Care Act as well as the aging Baby Boomer population. Based on figures from the United State Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statics, those looking for careers with unprecedented job security and potential for growth need look no further than these six healthcare jobs. 1. Registered NursesRNs are responsible for a broad spectrum of patient care duties, including everything from medical tasks to emotional support for patients and their families. RNS work in a variety of healthcare settings, including hospitals, nursing care facilities, physicians’ offices, schools, prisons, and in-home healthcare.There are a few different pathways to becoming an RN. Many people opt to pursue a bachelor’s degree in the field; associate’s degrees in nursing are also offered, as are diploma programs. Regardless of the type of nursin g degree, all RNs must be licensed.According to the BLS, RNs earn a median annual wage of more than $65,000. These salaries are likely to rise in the years ahead as demand grows. Just how strong is the outlook for these healthcare professionals? Employment is projected to skyrocket by 19 percent by 2022.2. Home Health AidesAs demand for health care services continues to increase, home health aides will fill an important void. These trained professionals provide assistance to people who suffer from chronic illness or cognitive impairment; they also help seniors and people with disabilities. Home health aides, who work in a multitude of different settings, require no formal training although most do have high school degrees. However, those working in specific settings - such as for hospice agencies - may require formal training and testing.While home health aides earn an average of nearly $21,000 a year, this may change with demand. In fact, the employment of home health aides is e xpected to grow by a whopping 48 percent between now and 2022 - significantly outpacing the average for all occupations.3. Nursing AssistantsNursing assistants, also called orderlies, provide basic patient care in settings ranging from hospitals to nursing homes. They are required by their states to complete an education program, and must also pass a competency exam in order to become certified. The average annual pay for nursing assistants and orderlies hovers around $24,000, according to the BLS. As the elderly population continues to grow, the need for these skilled professionals will correlate. Experts predict 21 percent employment growth between now and 2022.4. Medical SecretariesMedical secretaries perform basic administrative duties in a healthcare setting. This typically requires specific knowledge of medical terminology and procedures; additional duties may include everything from billing patients to scheduling appointments. Occasionally, medical secretaries also take med ical histories, order supplies, and assist patients. According to the BLS, the median salary of a medical secretary is currently just under $32,000 although salaries can reach as high as $46,420. Even more noteworthy? Jobs for medical secretaries will experience a staggering 36 percent increase by 2022.5. Licensed Practical and Licensed Vocational NursesAlso known as LPNs and LVNs, these skilled healthcare professional work under the direction of doctors and RNs while providing basic patient care, such as checking blood pressure, changing bandages, inserting catheters, and offering basic care and comfort. Work environments are diverse, and range from hospitals to private homes. In addition to licensure, both LPNs and LVNs require the completion of a one-year state-approved educational program.According to the BLS, LPNs and LVNs earn a median annual pay of just over $41,500. Between 2012 and 2022, jobs are expected to grow by as much as 25 percent thanks to increases in chronic condi tions among the aging population.6. Medical AssistantsMedical assistants are responsible for a number of different clinical and administrative tasks in healthcare settings. The specifics of the role, however, vary depending on the specialty, location and size of practice. While it’s possible to become a medical assistant with a high school degree, most at least have a certificate. Others learn through on-the-job training opportunities. While the average salary for medical assistants is $29,370, a growth rate of 29 percent between 2012 and 2022 may lead to greater demand as well as higher salaries.The healthcare system is currently facing many uncertainties, but one fact is very clear: educated and experienced healthcare workers will deliver much-needed skills in the evolving landscape of the American healthcare system. For more information on the current state of the job market or to harness the power of the RealMatch job search platform, visit The Job Network.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Financial Services Coursework titles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Financial Services Coursework titles - Essay Example Many people have suggested several things; however one recommendation with which most of the analysts would agree is to go beyond micro-based approach to macro-based approach. This means that the approach needs to be changed from an individual perspective to the overall market perspective. In addition to this, it has been criticized that the role of financial institutions and financial regulations were insufficient in predicting and identifying such a major change in the economic condition of the country, at the time when the economy was going into recession. There has been a growing concern that a macroprudential approached needs to be adopted in order to make the economy more stable and strong. Macroprudential policy is defined as a concept in the banking regulation which defines about the financial instability in an economy and how these instabilities can be prevented through public policy. Analysts have claimed that a purely microprudential perspective is not satisfactory enough to maintain the stability of the economic condition. ... It has also been predicted that the impact of financial crisis would have been a lot less if macroprudential policy would have been appropriate and the gap between the macroeconomic policy and regulation of individual financial institutions would have been narrower. After the financial crisis, analysts have recommended that prudential regulatory framework also needs to be recreated so that it would be more focused on the financial system so that such crisis do not occur again and the economy is able to recover from its position. In addition to this, the other main objective would be to ensure that the financial institutions do not impose undesirable costs on the society just like the cost that the overall society had to bear because of the recent financial crisis (Bank of England, 2009). MACROPRUDENTIAL POLICY Macroprudential policy helps in identifying the loopholes that occur in the banking regulation because of which chances of financial instability occur in the country. Not only this, but macroprudential policy helps in how to reduce these instabilities in the economy and it talks about preventive measures through which such economic crisis do not occur again. Macroprudential policy tends to complement microprudential policy and macroprudential policy interacts with different types of public policy which influences the financial stability of the economy. After the recent crisis, analysts have demanded a clear division between the two terms; macroprudential policy and microprudential policy. However the main objective of the policies would remain the same i.e. to minimize the risk of the economy. Many people demanded to have new set of macroprudential policy tools in order to make the
Friday, November 1, 2019
Drones Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Drones - Assignment Example d will go down in history, along with the Spencer repeating rifle and jet power, as transformational and/or disruptive technologies for which there were no established laws that regulated their initial use. And, while it’s unfortunate that innocents are killed in any conflict, the same risks exist with conventional weapons; and under warfare that is more conventional. Transnational terrorism offers a new challenge that must be met with new tools: drones are that tool and a reasonable proportional response to what are often small groups of bad actors.  The idea of expecting local law enforcement, often in virtually lawless countries, to capture terrorist is also a non-starter. The Obama administration has published common sense guidelines that govern the use of force in other countries and I find them practical. The United States has the right to target terrorists using drone attacks, even if incidental loss of life will occur among the non targetable civilians; as long as the principles of proportionality, distinction and reasonable necessity are adhered to. When using the principles of proportionality and reasonable necessity, the government should take into consideration all the appropriate features of the context. These considerations entails; identification of the terrorist targets, understanding the significance of the target, analyzing the appropriateness of alternative target methods for combating terrorism, studying the proximity to non targetable civilians, and identifying if the civilians are being used as human shield by the terrorists either voluntarily or through coercion. Drone killings are lawful if they adhere to the laws of war and laws of self defense. This is because targeting the terrorists due to self defense is legal. Terrorist participate in ongoing armed attacks, therefore, they should be targeted by drone killings in whichever part of the world they operate in. Terrorists also participate in direct hostilities against the
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