Saturday, August 31, 2019
Lennie Small is the central character in the novel, ‘Of Mice and Men’ Essay
Lennie Small is the central character in the novel, ‘Of Mice and Men’. The American John Steinbeck wrote the story about Ranch life in the 1930s. Lennie is perhaps the most interesting character in the novel. He is likeable and even loveable, maybe because he himself is so keen to show affection. There is a huge part of Lennie that means no harm, however he is definitely not harmless. He is both villain and victim, caring and destructive. He is complicated, even contradictory. At the time the novel was published the American stock market on Wall Street crashed catastrophically. This led to a massive economic depression in the 1930s when increasing mechanisation was driving agricultural labourers off the land. California was filling with official and unofficial refugee camps. Drought and over-farming were reducing the amount of fertile land. This meant owners in Oklahoma and Arkansas were going bankrupt and banks were repossessing their land. Banks themselves were collapsing and all of it was worse if you were black. America was still a highly racist and segregated society. The American Dream was dead. Poverty and starvation stalked California and other stricken states. Migrants were worst of, there were no unions to protect workers, the bosses held on to their own wealth. The rich stayed rich and the poor stayed poor. There was no more unclaimed land, striking gold was extremely rare and wages were so low no one could afford to save any of their money. Many people in society didn’t have jobs – there was a 30% unemployment rate. Everyone was suffering and everyone just wanted to have a better quality of life. The whole world was a mess. The depression affected Europe economically too. And politically, Europe was slowly descending into chaos, especially because of the rise in fascism in Germany, Italy and Spain. In 1937, when Steinbeck wrote ‘Mice and Men’ civil war broke out in Spain in an attempt to suppress fascism. The Nazis were in power in Germany and becoming increasingly repressive, world war two was not far off. Although Steinbeck’s novel isn’t about any of these things specifically, in a world filling with chaos and economic depression, here was story that almost everyone could identify with. So unsurprisingly it sold, and sold, and sold†¦ Lennie is a huge grown man, but he is also very childlike. He is a brilliant farm labourer because he is a powerful man with huge hands. He may grown up physically but he hasn’t grown up mentally, as Slim says, ‘he’s jes like a kid.’ Lennie is innocent, and doesn’t really know how to behave; he asks a lot of innocent questions. Slim says he can see immediately that Lennie ‘ain’t mean’. Lennie does not seem interested in other people, apart from beautiful women. He takes orders from George, and he can also take orders from Slim about petting his new puppy. It is clear that Lennie doesn’t want to disobey anyone or do anything wrong. He takes orders and can slave away, like a machine. He is a very useful person for George to have teamed up with, because he’ll earn loads of cash. Curley’s wife calls Lennie a ‘dumdum’. Earlier, Slim says he seems a bit of a ‘cuckoo’- ‘crazy’. But George quickly denies it- Lennie is very slow but he’s not insane. However, when we see what Lennie does during the course of the novel, you begin to wonder. He is subject to violent fits and may be mentally ill, but these things weren’t properly diagnosed back then. Lennie identifies with animals; he looks like a bear, and walks like one – ‘he walked heavily, dragging his feet a little, the way a bear drags his paws.’ He also eats and drinks like a hungry animal. He slavers and drools over beautiful women (e.g. Curley’s wife). It seems like he can’t control some of his animal instincts. Since childhood he has befriended animals before people – and it has to be cuddly animals. His Aunt Clara used to give him mice to play with. He is stubborn and very possessive over his animals, for example, over his mice, his puppy and his dream of tending his own rabbits. He never wants to let the animals we see him with out of his sight. But he is not very good at deceiving George – he knows whenever Lennie’s got one hidden in his coat or in his pocket. Lennie is always on the lookout for a pet, a mouse, a rabbit, a puppy or maybe a ‘purty’ woman. Lennie loves tame and friendly animals, that’s mostly what he is himself, tame and friendly. The mother of his new brown and white pup allows him to handle the others -‘she don’t care. She lets me.’ Animals seem unusually comfortable and unthreatened by him. However, there is another side to this obsession with animals. He’s also got a male animal’s sex drive. This expresses itself in his desire to stroke soft things, the lady in Weeds dress and Curley’s wife hair, for example. This seems sexual, but Lennie’s not mature enough to understand it. In both cases, whatever the motivation, the consequences were very bad. Lennie is dependent on George in both body and mind. George has virtually adopted him after Aunt Clara died. Lennie couldn’t survive on his own. He has none of the independence or practical skills of most adults. He wouldn’t be able to sort out food and shelter for himself. This is despite his repeated offer of going of on his own and living in a cave. In some ways he is animal-like but he probably wouldn’t survive a week out in the wild. George is the only person to stimulate Lennie’s mind, filling it with the dream of owning and farming their own land. Lennie is, in a way, addicted to this vision – pleading with George to tell him about it whenever he gets the chance. He gets himself into scrapes and he needs George to tell him about it whenever he gets the chance. He gets himself into scrapes and he needs George to get him out of them – like with Curley. He’d probably have been lynched or locked up years ago if George hadn’t stepped in. George is his parent, his brother, his guardian and his friend. He always there for him. George knows Lennie inside out. Lennie can’t keep secrets from him, like hiding mice in his pockets. Perhaps this isn’t surprising; Lennie has been with him for a long time, he has been independent on him for a long time. Lennie does however, give something in return, he is a good worker, he can do the work of two men. This is very useful for George. It helps them get and keep work, until Lennie mucks it all up. Lennie is also a killer. This is one of the key things in the whole novel. The gentlest man is also the most destructive. He is dangerous, and a violent killer. He attacks Curley, Curley’s wife, kills mice and throws his pup onto the barn floor in anger. He is not intentionally malicious. He doesn’t want to cause pain, when he fights Curley he’s actually encouraged by George: ‘Get ‘im Lennie!’ Lennie actually says afterwards he ‘didn’t wanta hurt him.’ Lennie has little self-restraint. He does everything in extremes. He’s liable to panic when someone else does, with Curley’ wife. In these panic attacks things tend to happen too suddenly, one minute he’s stroking Curley’s wife’s hair, the next he’s broken her neck. And even George can’t get him to stop crushing Curley’s hand. This is the tragedy of Lennie’s life; friendliness turns to aggression. As George says he ‘don’t know no rules’. But Lennie’s aggression is innocent, what’s what makes it different from the others’. Like others on the farm, Lennie is doomed to failure. Although his frequent violence is often unintended it still gets into trouble. For example, holding that girls dress in Weed, squashing mice and the puppy, and killing Curley’s wife. According to George Lennie is not malicious but he ‘don’t know no rules. But Lennie has sudden fits of anger, like when he hurled the puppy across the barn and he killed it. This suggests Lennie is not quite as innocent and blameless as George says he is. People pick on Lennie because he is stupid. Curley picks on him from the moment they meet. As does the boss, Curley’s wife and Crooks. His stupidity gets in him constant trouble. Because he can’t think for himself, he lives by his senses. That’s partly where the stroking comes in. he knows it feels nice, he doesn’t wonder why, he just does it. In the novel names are often symbolic. Steinbeck uses names to drop hints about the characters. Lennie’s surname is Small. Carlson makes a joke about it. But although he is huge height-wise, Lennie is fairly small in the brains department, so in a way it is not so ironic. Lennie is a complex, contradictory character. He is a large stupid, violent, strong, childish man who is very animal like. He always travels with George, he may be big and strong but it is very clear he is very slow. His main dream in life is to ‘tend the rabbits’ and ‘live off the fatta the lan’.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Music and why it should be used in schools
Music is a form of art. It is used daily in many parts of the world, different kinds for everyone. It improves focus, gives students a better mood and it helps pass the time. Even though it may create an antisocial environment listening to music with headphones in classes has more good outcomes then bad. Students minds wander, No matter what. But personally when I am listening to music and working I'm more concentrated and I work faster. A wandering mind is unhappy, most of that time it is spent focusing on the inadequacy of life; music brings you back to the present.In your classes you need to focus. And what better way to do that then when listening to music? Though it has been proven that â€Å"some students can study effectively with music playing, while others are distracted by any outside stimulus†. You would find that more students can listen and study at the same time then people that cannot study with music playing in the background. â€Å"It breaks you out of Just t hinking one way,†said Dry. Teresa Leslie, an assistant professor in the music therapy program at the University of Miami.In biological terms melodious sounds help encourage the release of dopamine in the reward area of the brain, as would eating a delicacy, looking at something appealing or smelling a pleasant aroma†said Dry. Amid Sod. That being said listening to music in the classrooms would bring a positive vibe to students as dopamine releases â€Å"good†feelings. Students who are in a better mood give the teachers they are with a better attitude, meaning that they do not deal with kids who are in a bad mood due to the fact that the dopamine did not release Into he reward section of the brain.When students have a good attitude they are more than likely to learn better. And If students learn better they will get a better grade. When students listen to music In class It passes time faster and then they will not be rushing to finish before the bell rings to go to their next class. Cons of listening to music with headphones In class are equally Important to the pros of using headphones In class. One of the cons being that It may create an antisocial classroom environment with everyone listening to their music and not participating tit their peers as often as they would If they did not use headphones.Another con would be subliminal messages In songs that the kids are unaware of, changing their way of thoughts about certain things. Also If an alarm or announcement were to go off the students would not be able to hear It as their music may be up to loud. As you can see listening to music with headphones In can benefit the students and teachers In their classroom environment, In both good and bad ways. Even If It's for certain days of the week students should be given the chance to prove how they learn with USIA.I'm not saying that they need to listen to the music constantly because they still need to pay attention to lectures or presentation s from others. And It should be Individually discussed between the student and teacher. So If It makes the loudest and most difficult student to teach be able to learn, why not try It? Music and why it should be used in schools By skeletally headphones in classes has more good outcomes then bad. Student's minds wander, kids who are in a bad mood due to the fact that the dopamine did not release into than likely to learn better.And if students learn better they will get a better grade. When students listen to music in class it passes time faster and then they will not be music with headphones in class are equally important to the pros of using headphones in class. One of the cons being that it may create an antisocial classroom environment with everyone listening to their music and not participating with their peers as often as they would if they did not use headphones. Another con would be subliminal messages in songs that the kids are unaware of, changing their ay of thoughts about certain things.Also if an alarm or announcement were to go off the students would not be able to hear it as their music may be up to loud. As you can see listening to music with headphones in can benefit the students and teachers in their classroom environment, in both good and bad ways. Even if it's for certain still need to pay attention to lectures or presentations from others. And it should be individually discussed between the student and teacher. So if it makes the loudest and most difficult student to teach be able to learn, why not try it?
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Difficult Language situation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Difficult Language situation - Essay Example My friends had gone on to shop in other areas of the store so I was alone. It was a very crowded, busy time at the bakery so the line was long. When I got close to the front of the line, I tried to read the names of the different types of sweet cakes. I did not recognize any of the names. They looked like they were actually written in another language than English. I do not remember many of the names but one was canole and the other gnocchi. I realized that I could not say any of the names of sweet cakes. I tried to listen to how the other shoppers in line said the names and how they ordered, but so many people were talking at one time, I could not hear clearly. I started to get nervous when the person in line in front of me stepped up to make her order. She walked to the glass case and pointed to the sweet cakes and said, â€Å"Give me a dozen.†The baker picked up a handful of sweets and placed them in a small white box. I knew that I did not want a dozen of anything. I deci ded that I would just point to the sweet cake I wanted and would say, â€Å"Two.†When it was my turn I stuck with my plan. But the baker didn’t get my sweet cake. She said, â€Å"Which one?†She could not see what I was pointing at. I pointed again and said, â€Å"Down here.†She waited a moment and then grabbed two sweets. They were not the ones I was pointing at but I did not say anything. I took my sweet cakes and ate them. They were not the ones that I wanted but they were very good. This whole encounter with the baker was frustrating and made me nervous. I wanted to be able to say the names of the sweet cakes but I could not. I felt inferior after the encounter. I realized that I could not just imitate what other people said. I had to really understand what I was saying. I do not want to feel embarrassed because of my language anymore so I am improving. Another encounter I had was with a cab driver that was from
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2
Communication - Essay Example The first organization that was observed was Wal-Mart. This research recognizes that most individuals are at least cursorily familiar with Wal-Mart, however insights can be gained from in-depth observational investigation. One of the most overarching considerations is Wal-Mart’s organizational model. In these regards, the organization is the country’s largest retailer, selling both household items as well as groceries. There are large numbers of employees working at Wal-Mart. There is a management level of employees, another group of employees who work the cash registers, other groups of employees who work in specific department – for instance electronics or the seafood departments -- finally other groups of employees work stocking the shelves. The specific observation of these employees revealed a number of elements. While the employees are easy to locate oftentimes they operate in a very business environment and as such their roles are less defined as customer service, than in the service of their specific tasks. I observed one interaction where a customer asked an employee where measuring tape was. Rather than bring the customer to the location the employee vaguely pointed at an area and said they believe it was in that direction. While one could attribute such a communication approach to the specific employee, this behavior was also witnessed in the electronics department. In this situation a customer asked about what the specific figures on one of the computer advertisements meant. The employee responded that they weren’t sure about the specific elements on that computer. It seems that to a great degree these employees’ verbal communication skills were a necessary byproduct of the organizational culture that had been established at Wal-Mart. Namely, the commitment to low-cost goods has necessitated that customer service be sacrificed. As I was checking out of the store I waited in line for five minutes. Suddenly the cashi er looked to the others in the line and informed them that this line was closed. While she could have informed the customers waiting earlier, he non-verbal communication carried on as normal. The situation demonstrated that the employee had a lack of pride in her job. Ultimately, it seems that such actions may also be a product of necessary sacrifice for low prices. The next retailer that was observed was Best Buy. Best Buy is a large-scale electronics retailer specializing in virtually all major electronics and games. Upon entering the store I immediately recognized a number of disparate elements between this organizational model and that of Wal-Mart. While both retailers are large-scale chains Best Buy’s focuses on electronics, as well as their subsequent approach to customer service. While Wal-Mart’s employee communication styles are very detached, Best Buy’s approach is almost overly helpful. Employees were both verbally and non-verbally approachable through body language. In walking around the store I was approached numerous times by employees asking if I needed help or had any questions. While it seems to a degree this was motivated out of the need to help customers with the complexity of the electronics it is seems a comprehensively different approach to the organizational model. The specific breakdown of employees was the same as Wal-Mart’s with individuals stocking shelves, cashiers, and managers; however,
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Sanctuary Reports Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Sanctuary Reports - Essay Example Besides demonstrating loyalty and dedication to God, synagogue acts as a symbol of Jewish unity. It is a religious center and going there enables people to meet. It binds Jews together, hence facilitating unity among them. The Jewish community ascribes to one religion, i.e. the Judaism. Religious leaders in synagogues teach elements of Judaism thus joining people into one faith. Through such aspect, Jews find themselves united and loyal to what they believe. Synagogue connects Jews to divine powers and enables them to develop a personal relationship with God. Each person participates in rituals such as cleaning of hands when entering, bowing down in worship among other rituals. There is an individual commitment to perform these rituals hence promoting personal relationship with the creator. It is therefore a crucial tradition in Jewish culture that each Jew maintains from generation to another. Parents introduce their children to this religious practice at their early age. They grow up knowing the significance of attending regular services at the synagogue. There are various symbols in the synagogue with different meanings of Jewish religion. They include the ark, the scroll, Bimah, lights, inscriptions and the pulpit among other symbols. Each symbol plays a significant role in the synagogue. They make the purpose of the synagogue, complete by aiding in the performance of major rituals. Some are used by religious leaders while others are utilized by the whole congregation. Synagogue ark is different from the ark that is put in the temple. The later is only accessible to the high priest at a specific time, i.e. day of atonement. The ark in the synagogue is accessible to all Jews and is a place where they keep the scroll of Torah which contains the law. It is a safe place where the scroll is kept and cannot be damaged. This implies how valuable Torah scroll is
Monday, August 26, 2019
Seven Top Competencies of a Project Manager Essay
Seven Top Competencies of a Project Manager - Essay Example Role of the Project Manager The project manager has a significant role of ensuring execution of the project in different areas including planning, operation, monitoring, and control, as well as ending the project per se. Project managers coordinate activities of project team members to achieve the proposed objectives and the vision of the project. In their day-to-day functions, the projects managers have to focus on short and long-term activities. Conventionally, project managers focused on larger, more comprehensive projects. However, contemporary organizations give project managers the mandate to work with even smaller, less technical projects. The Project Management concept has received a lot of attention in the past few decades and has become a highly desired area in most of institutions and organizations. According to Muller and Turner (2010), one goal of a good project manager is to know how he/she is going to manage his/her project, know what to do if the implementation plan f ails, to accomplish the project objectives and ensure integration of the inputs of all of the project stakeholders. Further, the role of project managers is diverse. Turner and Muller (2005) highlight that they determine how the project should set off. By good Integrated Management they help in determining, developing and managing the direction of the project, as well as the scope of the project. A good and well defined project must include best scope management practices that include planning, defining and managing the scope of the project. Another issue is on-time and cost management. Managers should develop budget and a good time plan such as developing a schedule, allocating resources and managing funds for the project for effective results. A good process gives good output due to quality management. There must be a task force to take care of the quality of the process in question such that it meets or even exceeds various quality parameters set but the laid down standards (Camp us, 2002). Human Resource Management is vital and is the responsibility of the project manager. He/she needs to take care of his/her team, encourage and motivate members and make sure the team is on a pathway to success, which helps to ensure that the project implementation process moves in the right direction (Campus, 2002). Communication allows good information flow and hence communication management should be one of the critical aspects that project managers should strive to accomplish among senior and junior staff. The project manager needs to prepare a communication plan, communication technique and make sure that there is healthy communication, both internally and externally (Crawford, 2000). The manager is evaluated successfully against each of the factors affecting his/her communication skills. Risk and hazards are inevitable and, hence, there is need for project managers to establish strong risk management strategies. Various risks which exist in a project should be identif ied and a mitigation plan needs to be developed and implemented to ensure that the project is not affected at any point. A project manager determines success or failure of the project based on the work and procurement plans developed before ground breaking. The project manager has a role of ensuring that procurement plans are strategically positioned to enhance the accomplishment of the project objectives. Various materials needed during the project need to be procured and
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Security in the Software Life Cycle Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Security in the Software Life Cycle - Essay Example As mentioned earlier there are several phases of SDLC, the first phase has been the Initiation phase. The five security controls that are required in the Initiation phase are: The software is meant for serving the purpose of the client and hence from a developer point of view, it must be ensured that business or client functionality requirements have been fulfilled. Hence in the initiation phase, we begin with the requirement document. It's about engaging the business partner in assessing the security aspects and risk associated and at the same time what could be done so that the protection needs of the software can be covered. The business in most of the cases wouldn't be aware of technical aspects of SDLC and integration of security in it. Hence a set of questionnaires are developed with the sole purpose being the transfer of security related technical issues of the software to the client while keeping things in the language of the business partner. The simpler language would enable developers in unraveling the security requirements of the proposed software. Software development in modern times is a combination of phases based on established norms. The concepts of software engineering as well testing is very useful when policies and standards are taken into consideration. Requirement specification document must include the development model preferred like the waterfall model, liner model or spiral model etc. Use of automated audit history would also help to manage the required changes as well analysis of the current stage of the development of the software. Identify Applicable Regulatory, Compliance, and Privacy Requirements: In this networked world, regulatory requirements have international implications. Service providers like, etc. have made their services available all across the world and hence they have to undertake both local and international considerations for regulatory, compliance and privacy requirements. In case of software for e-commerce, users are needed to provide their credit card details and the CVV number. Now, in this case, the website would need SSL certificate from VeriSign. Hence identification of the applicable regulatory, compliance and privacy requirements become a necessity so that software's portability could be without any physical and logical boundary.
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Social Control, Discipline and Regulation Assignment
Social Control, Discipline and Regulation - Assignment Example 71). Divided into four parts, this paper will evaluate the concepts of crime and crime control; access Foucault’s contribution critically; analyse and assess the 1960’s anti-institutional consensus; and critically assess the alternative method of social control as proposed by Braithwaite. Crime entails unlawful acts or omissions that are punishable by the laws of the concerned states in which the acts and omissions take place (Valier 2001, p. 425). The acts and omissions are not only harmful to specific individuals, but also the community and state as well. On the other hand, crime control involves the plans instituted to work towards removing criminal activities from the community. The emphasis of crime control is on the use of sanctions, seeking to deter the occurrence of crime by threatening harsher punishments such as the death penalty. Conservative measures of crime control include incarceration, boot camps and capital punishment. The concept of crime control puts emphasis on the protection of society and taking care of victims as the criminal justice system’s priority. However, a critical evaluation of crime control reveals that it condemns modern criminal justice systems and law enforcement (Clarke & Guerette, 2007, p. 230). This is because crime contro l focuses on the creation of comfortable environments at the expense of increasing legal consequences of crime, police manpower and efficient programs to care for victims. The model of crime control often conflicts with the legal system, with its proponents arguing that the legal system affects the way law enforcement perceives criminal justice, compromising its efficiency. As proposed by advocates of crime control, the police must be given more power and allow harsher punishments for perpetrators of crime, hence reducing the legal system’s power over criminal justice. This model may have had its effective era when stricter punishment meant less crime but, taking the United States as an
Marketing principal Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Marketing principal - Case Study Example The company’s major vision is creating brands that will run the market and achieving maximum profits from the brands (Narayani 1-36). Apple was started in 1976 and has since grown from a small business into one of the most valuable and successful brands in the globe. The brand has managed to plant a perception in its consumers’ minds that it is the very best of the total brands and has, therefore, gained total trust from its consumers (Mirachandani 276-277). The brand has portrayed excellent marketing techniques, and has established an ability to distinguish themselves from other brands. The company has other features such as realizing user friendly and innovative products (Sandoval 98-99). On the market of its products, a certain study revealed that the brand consumers who fall under the categories of high salaries, young ages and techno savvy tend to purchase its products. In the US for instance, about 22 million adults owned an iPod. Several products from apple target consumers who want to listen to music at a go (Mirachandani 276-277). Considering that apple is highly rated, several people desire owning one of its products. This popularity has enhanced sales for the company (Mirachandani 276-277). Apple, however, has some faults in some of its products. The iPod Nano for instance, is said to have a faulty screen that breaks easily. Issues such as poor battery life and software issues also portray weaknesses from the company in its brands (Mirachandani 276-277). The continuous release of music products is continuously generating high revenues for the company, putting it at par with the music industry (Jennings 402). This creates pressure on the company on what decision to take on the music industry. The company also stand gaining many market opportunities. ITunes for instance, is used to download legal songs (Jennings 402). If apple makes all cell phones and MP3 players
Friday, August 23, 2019
Criminal justice Individual project & Discussion Board Essay
Criminal justice Individual project & Discussion Board - Essay Example hich has the guidelines for the prevention of juvenile delinquency (1), and Juvenile Justice Planning Committee, whose mission is â€Å"to provide resources for youth who are at-risk of becoming delinquent due to individual, school, family, peer or community factors. These resources will also provide services for youth who are delinquent, undisciplined or involved in the juvenile court process from intake through aftercare†(2). The United Nations Guidelines consists of some chapters: Fundamental Principals of the Guidelines, Scope of the Guidelines, General Prevention, Socialization Processes (in turn it consists of the following sections: Family, Education, Community, Mass media), Social Policy, Legislation and Juvenile Justice Administration, and Research, Policy Development and Co-ordination. The purpose of the United Nations programme is to underline the key-point factors of the juvenile delinquency prevention and the main issues to be researched and studied in this topic. The programme underlines that the prevention of juvenile delinquency is one of the main purposes of our society. A child must be in the center of the Guidelines orientation. All the means of community should be attracted to develop the processes of socialization and juvenile delinquency prevention: â€Å"Community-based services and programmes should be developed for the prevention of juvenile delinquency, particularly where no agencies have yet been established. Formal agencies of social control should only be utilized as a means of last resort†(1). The United Nations Guidelines appals to the work with youth and has the description of appropriate means concerning namely juvenile delinquency prevention. But in addition to that, it appals for adults – adult family members, teachers, other community subjects and mass media officials should be reliable for the youth development and their successful adaptation and socialization in our society. The programme links to school and other
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Steps in a jury trial Essay Example for Free
Steps in a jury trial Essay A jury trial is a manifestation of democracy, wherein ordinary citizens have their cases heard and deliberated by people like themselves. A jury trial, based on the idea of an impartial jury, can serve justice, because they are mandated to deliberate on the facts of the case alone. This paper analyzes the steps in a jury trial, including the constitutional trial rights that are enacted during a jury trial. The jury trial rights are expressed in the U.S. Constitution in three ways: the grand jury, the criminal jury, and the civil jury. The Fifth Amendment provides the right to a grand jury: â€Å"No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury†¦Ã¢â‚¬ The Sixth Amendment states the importance of an â€Å"impartial†and fair jury to criminal proceedings: â€Å"In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district†¦Ã¢â‚¬ The Seventh Amendment asserts the right of the people to a civil jury: â€Å"In Suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved†¦Ã¢â‚¬ This paper proceeds to the steps in a jury trial. The first step is the selection of a jury. The trial court judge mails a request to a panel of prospective jurors to attend the jury assembly room for the purposes of the jury selection process (Judicial Council of California [JCC], 2010). After the arrival of the jurors, the judge and lawyers ask the jurors questions for the purpose of assessing, whether the jurors are free of bias, or prejudice, or anything that might obstruct with their ability to be fair and impartial, in a process called voir dire. It is important to find a fair and impartial jury, which the Sixth Amendment asserts. The Fifth Amendment also stresses that the accused in a criminal case has a right to a trial by a fair and impartial jury.In essence, the right to jury trial guarantees to the criminally accused a fair trial by a panel of impartial, indifferent jurors.[1] The law permits the judge and the lawyers to â€Å"excuse†some jurors from service for diverse reasons (JCC, 2010).    If a lawyer seeks to have a juror excused, he or she must use a challenge to excuse the juror (JCC, 2010).   There are two kinds of challenges: for cause or peremptory. Under a for cause challenge, the law provides several reasons that jurors may be excused â€Å"for cause†(JCC, 2010). For example, a juror who is related to one of the parties in the case may be excused for cause. There is no limit to the number of for cause challenges. As for a peremptory challenge, this is a challenge given without the need to provide a reason. The law provides only 10 peremptory challenges in criminal cases and 6 in civil cases (Code of Civil Procedure sec. 231 as cited in JCC, 2010). The procedure of questioning and excusing jurors will continue, until 12 persons are chosen as the jurors for the trial (JCC, 2010). The second step is the trial itself. There are three main duties of the juror: 1) Jurors should not speak to others about the case, especially the lawyers and parties from either side, and even with their family and friends. It is important to avoid being influenced by other people who have not heard the whole facts of the case; 2) Jurors should not make a conclusion about the case without hearing all the facts.  Jurors should only discuss their opinions with fellow jurors and it is their duty to deliberate the facts of the case; 3) Jurors should not conduct a personal investigation of the case (JCC, 2010). If they have questions about the evidence, they should ask the bailiff about it, and he/she will make further decisions (JCC, 2010). During the trial, the jurors will listen to the opening statements of the lawyers (JCC, 2010).   The lawyer for the plaintiff in a civil case or the prosecutor in a criminal case may make an opening statement which expresses their viewpoints about the evidence (JCC, 2010).   The defendants lawyer may also provide an opening statement after the plaintiffs attorney (JCC, 2010).  Afterwards, the lawyers will present the evidence, in forms of written documents or objects, which will all be called as Exhibits (JCC, 2010).  After the presentation of the evidence, the lawyers will present their closing arguments (JCC, 2010). A critical part of the jury trial is the deliberation. After a trial, the jury proceeds to an assigned private room to discuss evidence and testimony, so that it can reach a verdict. Jurors also have a duty to select a foreperson. The jury should select a competent foreperson. The forepersons responsibility is to see that discussion is facilitated in an organized manner, all issues are completely and freely deliberated, and all jurors are allowed to freely participate in the discussions (JCC, 2010). The final stage in a jury trial is the verdict. All jurors should discuss and vote on each issue of the case. In a civil case, the judge will inform the jurors how many of them must agree in order to reach a verdict. In a criminal case, the unanimous agreement of all 12 jurors is compulsory (JCC, 2010).[2] People have a right to a jury trial, wherein the jury is impartial and fair. The Constitution provides for this right, as well as the rights of the jurors to have an open and complete deliberation on the facts of the case. The jurors, thus, must be aware of their rights and duties. Being a juror means that they are expected to be people of integrity and to seriously pursue their duties. For in every verdict they provide, lay the fate of fair and truthful convictions. References Dennis v. United States, 339 U.S. 162, 171-172, 94 L.Ed. 734, 742, 70 S. Ct. 519 (1950). Fifth Amendment.(no date). U.S. Constitution. Retrieved May 31, 2010 from Irvin v. Dowd, 366 U.S. 717, 722, 6 L.Ed. 2d 751, 755, 81 S. Ct. 1639 (1961). Judicial Council of California (JCC). (2010). Trial process: Three main steps of a jury trial. Retrieved May 31, 2010 from Seventh Amendment. (no date). U.S. Constitution. Retrieved May 31, 2010 from Sixth Amendment. (no date). U.S. Constitution. Retrieved May 31, 2010 from United States District Court . (no date). The Eastern District of North Carolina, New Bern Division. [1] See Irvin v. Dowd, 366 U.S. 717, 722, 6 L.Ed. 2d 751, 755, 81 S. Ct. 1639 (1961). [2] What happens when there is no verdict? â€Å"If a jury cannot arrive at a verdict within a reasonable time and indicates to the judge that there is no possibility that they can reach a verdict, the judge, in his or her discretion, may dismiss the jury. This situation is a mistrial, sometimes referred to as a hung jury, and may mean the case goes to trial again with a new jury†(JCC, 2010).
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Possibility Of A Gender Neutral Language English Language Essay
Possibility Of A Gender Neutral Language English Language Essay As the story in the Book of Genesis goes God created man and then created women. This joke makes fun of this and is an example of sexist language because it represents men in a light of inadequacy compared to women. But, for every joke that represents men in this light there is an even greater amount of language that is used to discriminate against women. Lu Min (2009) explains that sexist language is that which uses words, phrases, and expressions that unnecessarily differentiate between women and men or exclude, trivialize, or diminish either gender(26). Phrases such as best man for the job or occupational titles such as policeman or fireman are masculine in their description. This sort of language excludes women who could in fact be the best person for the job or similarly, a police officer or firefighter. Language is always changing and in fact in recent years there has been a push for more gender-neutral language as opposed to the sexist language that is already in place. Leaper and Bigler (2004) explain that there has been a shift in peoples speech and writing away from the generic use of the masculine pronouns he and masculine compound nouns such as chairman. Instead, it is now common to find people using gender-inclusive language such as he or she or chairperson (138). There is some debate on whether we should have a gender-neutral language or not. Those in support of a gender-neutral language feel that if this were put into place there would be equality for everyone. Those who are against changing the language that is already in place argue that phrases such as you guys or mankind are already considered gender-inclusive because they refer to all people regardless of gender. They simply see these words, phrases, and expressions as a quirk in the English language. While there are s everal languages that use masculine forms such as Chinese, Spanish, and Italian, the focus of my paper will be on English in various parts of the world. I believe that the current masculine forms of language are not inclusive and that there should be more of a push for gender-neutral language whenever possible. Changes in language will inevitably take course through the duration of time and if more people who speak English become aware of the gender-bias that currently is in place eventually we may be able to have a language that is more gender-inclusive. From my research, Ive observed that there is currently a trend of making language more inclusive. For example, in America in a study done at Virginia Commonwealth University, researchers found that there was consciousness of gendered-biased language as being sexist. Similarly, young people in Australia who speak English, since the 1980s, have been pushing for more generic phrases when referring to individuals. In Hong Kong, speakers of English prefer a masculine form of language but through studying college students they have found that feminist movements in the West are having great impacts on the way young people speak. Deborah Cameron (1992) cites Robin Lakoffs Language and Womans Place which asserts that there is a characteristic register or womens language consisting of certain linguistic gestures and connoting tentativeness, deference, and lack of authority. Women are socialized into using this style of speech as part of their subordinate social position (15). This is what experts would classify as the dominance approach because it demonstrates a power/powerless relationship among men and women. Another approach that Cameron cites is the difference approach which claims that differences in the speech behaviors between men and women come about due to the differences in socialization. As the author puts it, in most cultures there is still considerable social segregation of the sexes, and children learn their conversational strategies for the most part in single-sex peer groups. Research suggests that these are organized differently for the two sexes (15). Leaper and Bigler (2004) invoke the work o f Whorfian who says that language shapes thought (131). More specifically, they argue that some previous research supports the notion that the use of gendered language and having gender-stereotypic thoughts are reciprocally related (131). This goes back to the example of occupational title such as policeman, congressman, or waitress as having to do with the particular person in that position. As I mentioned earlier there is a group of individuals who believe that the English Language is already gender-inclusive. To this group of individual the phrase man would be used as a means of classifying both men and women such as the term mankind. This is illogical for several reasons. For example, if we take this idea of the term man encompassing both males and females and apply it to a similar set of words we quickly find that it does not hold. We can say that a miniature poodle and an alligator are both animals. The term animal like man is being used in a generic sense. It would be correct to say that every miniature poodle is an animal. It would also be correct to say that every alligator is an animal. While at a park you may hear someone say I see an animal. There is no real need to specify whether that animal is an alligator or a dog if that person is just making an observation. There are certain times, however, that this information may be useful. If someones life was being threatened by an alligator you may hear another individual warm the person about to be attacked by saying Thats an alligator! instead of just using the generic animal. If we take the generic term person which can mean either a male or female and use it in the following sentence: This person is having a baby we would assume that this person is a female. To say that this man is having a baby would not only sound funny but it would also be incorrect. Men simply cannot have babies. So, if the term man was generic in what it refers to, either males or females, it would be acceptable to say that man had a baby. Again, we run into a problem of the term not being generic in what it is referring to and thus proves that the term man does not subsume both terms of describing gender. Kenichi Namai (2000) cites a study by Greenbaum and Quirk that explains that in English, gender is not a feature of nouns themselves (as in such languages as German or Russian). Rather, it relates directly to the meanings of nouns, with particular reference to biological sex (771). What the author is basically arguing is that English should not show any grammatical agreements betw een terms such as those that are used to refer to gender. In the article, Namai gives the example sentence he hit herself (773). This sentence is incorrect for what Namai explains as not being a syntactic disagreement with the antecedent and reflexive but says that the conflict arises from a disagreement between the antecedents in terms of sex (774). So if we refer back to the problem of the sentence that man had a baby we see that the problem arises from a disagreement in terms of sex. This would mean that the identification of man being inclusive of all genders is incorrect. Jochnowitz (1982) cites a similar argument from Robin Lakoff who says My feeling is that this area of pronominal neutralization is both less in need of changing, and less open to change, than many of the other disparities that have been discussed earlier, and we should perhaps concentrate our efforts where they will be most fruitful (200). This is surprising because this article is written as Jochonowitz claims from a feminist perspective, yet the author [Lakoff] does not advocate abandoning indefinite he (200). Murdock and Forsyth (1985) in a discussion of Lakoff say that Lakoff would agree that the generic he does refer more to men than to women, but notes that the long-range consequences of the oft-used phrase may be fairly trivial (40). The two studies by Murdock and Forsyth were conducted to define reactions to gender-biased language empirically (39). What they aimed at finding out, as the title of their work suggests, is gender-biased language considered sexist. In the first st udy individuals were asked to evaluate the sexism in several sentences that contained no bias, used words as man or he in the generic sense, or referred to women in an unfair, stereotypical manner (39). The second study focused on examining reactions in a more naturalistic context by asking respondents to evaluate an essay written using all plural pronouns, generic pronouns, or generic pronouns plus evaluative stereotypic phrasings (39). What Murdock and Forsyth discovered was that the reactions to gender-biased language were taken as being sexist. This goes back to the original argument that gender-biased language is in fact not inclusive of both sexes. Another particular finding for Murdock and Forsyth that is surprising is that all do not agree concerning the sexist nature of masculine-biased language (47). Lead this to Æ’Â Hong Kong English Æ’Â Australian English Look for Strahan Discussion NoteÆ’Â Conclusion
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Aging and Women’s Sexuality
Aging and Women’s Sexuality Liqi Liu The World Health Organization regards sexual health as a state of physical, mental, emotional and social well-being related to sexuality (Woloski-Wruble et al., 2010). It is not limited to the absence of disease, infirmity dysfunction or the mere presence of sexual intercourse activity. These factors are a reflection of a successful aging model that incorporates physical well being reflected by a low susceptibility to disease. It also includes social and emotional well-being associated with active engagement with life and mental well being exhibited by a high capacity for physical and cognitive function. Sexuality is an essential component of health at all developmental ages and an important aspect of life satisfaction (Kalra, Subramanyam, Pinto, 2011). The factors that influence the sexuality of women in their middle and old age are socio-cultural, feminine, medical, political, economic factors (Birkhauser, 2009) and international factors. Other influencing factors include social representations of sexuality, physiological conditions, and relationship factors (Ringa, Diter, Laborde, Bajos, 2013). Cultural practices play a critical role in determining sexuality (Shea, 2011). In China, some clinical educators view sexual activities in middle and old age a taboo. Other health professionals view womens feudal attitudes as the main obstacle to sexual liberation. The change in womens social status due to higher education, participation in the labor force and increased use of contraception has intensified sexual activity. These activities within the social environment largely affect the womens responses to their aging process. Other contributing factors include improvement of living standards and life expectancy (Ringa, Diter, Laborde, Bajos, 2013). Health is another key factor affecting sexuality in middle and aged women (Birkhauser, 2009). Cardiovascular disease in postmenopausal women affects their physical, social and general well being. This leads to deterioration of quality of life and adds on the negative effects of menopause (Birkhauser, 2009). Access to health is determined by the financial ability of the women and enabling political framework. Contrary to popular belief, the menopausal status is not a risk factor in sexual dysfunction. In some instances, it led to low sexual desire. Several studies have shown that women past the age of 50 are still sexually active (Ringa, Diter, Laborde, Bajos, 2013). This essay aims to evaluate the various factors that affect sexuality in older women. Background The worlds aging population is increasing, as the current life expectancy is increasing. The life expectancy of women in Israel estimated at 82 years (Woloski-Wruble et al., 2010). About a third of womens life is lived after cessation of menstruation. China constitutes the world’s largest middle-aged and elderly population. Approximately one-fifth of the worlds elderly population and a quarter of the middle-aged population live in China. In 2010, 381.6 million people were between the ages of 40 and 59 while an estimate of 170.9 people was above 60 years of age (Shea, 2011). Demographic studies project a rapid increase in these proportions over the next several decades. By 2050, it is expected that 35.4% of the population in China will be above 60 years of age (Shea, 2011). As such, understanding the needs, desires and capabilities of this group is of paramount importance. As of now, very few studies have focused on sexuality in the elderly and the existing literature contains contradictory information. For instance, some studies indicate that hormonal determinants have no effect on the sexual drive while others show a correlation between hormonal changes and sexual activity. Hence, further studies would greatly help in ascertaining assertions that sexual life is an important determinant of satisfaction in life (Shea, 2011). Cultural Factors Certain cultural norms are the cause of negative attitudes towards sexuality in older people. In some Western cultures, men are considered ready for sexual activity at a younger age than women (Woloski-Wruble et al., 2010). They also claim that women become asexual with age. However, women have in the recent time challenged this view and regarded sex as extremely important (Woloski-Wruble et al., 2010). Research has focused on the sexual dysfunction that is likely to occur after menopausal transition rather than the normal spectrum of normal activities due to the changes arising from hormonal changes. However, it is worth to note that menopause does not necessarily result in sexopause. The belief that sexual activity decreased with age was held since sexuality was limited to intercourse. In recent years, sexuality has been broadened to mean any sexual arousing activity (Woloski-Wruble et al., 2010). Using this broader definition, studies have shown that women remain sexually active even in old age. An intimate relationship is one factor influencing sexuality in older women. Being able to address their expectations would enhance life satisfaction. The Chinese culture is marked by three traditions; Confucianism, Buddhism and Daoism (Shea, 2011). The Confucian tradition advocated for sex for a married couple and only for the purpose of reproduction. Otherwise, it regarded other sexual activities as unrespectful and undignified. Buddhist taught that in order to enjoy perfect peace, one had to give up worldly pleasures and desires. As such, sexual activity beyond the purpose of reproduction was viewed as distracting one from their improvement. Daoist on the other hand regard sex as harmful and self-defeating as it makes men lose their semen (Shea, 2011). A study conducted in China showed that a third of the studied population was of the opinion that sex later in life was unhealthy or abnormal. It also showed a correlation between the womens attitude and the sexual activity. The women who viewed sex as normal were more likely to engage in sexual activities. Further, the women with positive attitudes led healthy relationships with their spouses. The study also suggested that the household composition such as the number of family members and number of generations contributed to the sexual activity later in life (Shea, 2011). Social Factors Women from different regions view menopause differently(Birkhauser, 2009). In the Muslim culture, menstruation is regarded as impurity. Hence, menopausal women gain a higher social status. It is therefore regarded as a happy event that calls for a celebration. In some cases, this is not the case, and hormonal therapy is considered in order to improve patient outcomes. Hormonal therapy provides symptomatic relief and restores sexual activity (Birkhauser, 2009). Hormonal therapy should also be recommended for women with cardiovascular events unless there are associated risks. Some cultures do not allow bleeding and hence alternative medicine is sought to relieve the symptoms while allowing only the desired amenorrhea.The effect of the natural products has not been sufficiently studied (Birkhauser, 2009). Medical Factors The state of health influences the level of sexual activity (Birkhauser, 2009). Women who are of an advanced in age and are in poor state of health are less likely to engage in sexual activities. During the management of somatic diseases, clinicians often neglect the implications for sexual life and hence go undiagnosed (Maciel Lagana, 2014). These problems may cause the patient to be socially withdrawn and result in depression. Cardiovascular diseases are one major cause of reduced activity. Women who suffered from myocardial infarction do not lead a sexually active life (Kalra, Subramanyam, Pinto, 2011). Besides cardiac problems, elderly women may suffer from physical disabilities that affect the motor function (DeLamater Moorman, 2007). This group of patients experience pain and discomfort in sexual activities and are likely to withdraw. In addition, patients may suffer low libido and unwillingness to engage in foreplay (Woloski-Wruble et al., 2010). Feminine Factors Hormonal changes that occur during the onset of menopause result in vagina dryness and, as a result, affect sexual satisfaction (Lindau, Schumm, Laumann, 2008). However, several studies in this area found no correlation between menopausal state and sexual activity (Ringa, Diter, Laborde, Bajos, 2013). Perimenopausal women have increased levels of masturbation suggesting that hormonal changes do not hinder penetrative intercourse. However, some studies have reported that menopausal changes have a negative effect on the sexual life. These inconsistencies could be due to different characteristics of samples used in the different studies(Ringa, Diter, Laborde, Bajos, 2013). Political Factors Older women have few sources of funds to pay for insurance premiums and taxes(WHO, 2007). Inadequate finances may result in delays to seek medical attention following illness. The developing disease compromises the state of health and affects sexual activities. Hence women living regions in which the health policies promote accessibility to health services regardless of the ability to pay enjoy relative health and hence healthy sexual health. It is the duty of each country to develop the best mix of policies in healthcare, income and social services in order to safeguard the well-being and health of older women (WHO, 2007). Economic Factors Poverty is a key player in compromising the health of aging women. Worldwide, women have lower participation in the labor force and are often underpaid as compared to men of equal qualifications. Older women receive employment in low-paying and part-time jobs. Insufficient funds limit the ability of old women to access the most basic needs such as healthcare, shelter and food. It is estimated that 70% of the women in the world live below the poverty line of less than US $ 1 a day (WHO, 2007). A large number of these are found in the developing countries. These income inequities compromise the well-being of the elderly women and, as a result, their sexual health is affected. Conclusion A satisfactory sexual life is an essential component of good quality of life. However, Sexual activity changes with age and may affect the quality of life. The factors that influence these changes include state of health, socio-cultural values political and economic factors. Different regions practice different traditions that may affect how women in their menopausal age view sexual activities. Some practices limit sexual activity for reproduction purposes while in some cultures sexuality is liberal. One of the major health factors is cardiovascular events. Myocardial infarction leads to depression and anxiety. These factors affect sexual satisfaction and hence decrease sexual activity. While managing these conditions, it is essential that the healthcare providers engage the patients on sexual health. The level of economic empowerment determines the accessibility of social services such as health. Since older women have fewer financial resources, the right policy mix should be adopted to enhance accessibility to health services and other amenities. Recommendations It is of utmost importance to give sexuality issues in the older population priority same as the other vital needs. Therefore, health professionals should formulate interventions aimed at improving sexual health in menopausal women (Taylor Gosney, 2011). A participatory approach would lead to meaningful interventions, as it would allow the professionals to understand the perception of the different women to sexual satisfaction. It would also ensure that the designed interventions help the women in arriving at successful aging (Shea, 2011). An analysis shows that the present literature is based on speculation rather than facts. Healthcare professionals should carry out participatory research involving women of different ethnic groups, age, and languages. Development of evidence-based knowledge would aid in understanding the different aspects that constitute sexual satisfaction among older women. It would also help in designing of group-specific interventions aimed at improving the quality of life (Woloski-Wruble et al., 2010). Reference Birkhauser, M. (2009). Quality of Life and Sexuality Issues in Aging Women. Climacteric, 52-57. DeLamater, J., Moorman, S. (2007). Sexual Behaviour in Later Life. Journal of Aging and Health, doi.10.1177. Kalra, G., Subramanyam, A., Pinto, C. (2011). Sexuality: Desire, Activity and Intimacy in the Elderly. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 300-306. Lindau, S., Schumm, P., Laumann, E. (2008). A Study of Sexuality and Health among Older Adults in the United States. New England Journal of Medicine , 762-774. Maciel, M., Lagana, L. (2014). Older Womens Sexual Desire Problems: Biophysichosocial Factors Impacting them and Barriers to Their Clinical Assessment. Journal of Biomedical Research , doi. org/ 10.1155. Ringa, V., Diter, K., Laborde, C., Bajos, N. (2013). Womens Sexuality: From Aging to Social Representations. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 2399-2408. Shea, J. (2011). Older Women, Marital Relationships, and Sexuality in China. Ageing International, 361-377. Taylor, A., Gosney, M. (2011). Sexuality in Older Age: Essential Considerations for Healthcare Professionals. Journal of Age and Ageing, 1-6. WHO. (2007). Women, Ageing, and Health: A Framework for Action. Geneva.
Monday, August 19, 2019
David Copperfield :: essays research papers
David Copperfield The novel David Copperfield, written by Charles Dickens, deals with the life and times of David Copperfield. About a century ago in a small town in England, David was born on a Friday at the stroke of midnight, which is considered a sign of bad luck. David's father has already died and his aunt comes to stay with him and his mother as this novel gets off to a very slow start. Soon David becomes aware that his mother has relations with another man and asks one of his servants, "if you marry a person, and the person dies, why then you may marry another person, mayn't you?" David is immediately angered that his mother has betrayed his father and goes off to live with his aunt. A while later, David goes back home but quickly gets into trouble and is sent off to school. Dickens uses excellent description in his telling of this story and the reader can easily relate to the characters. The setting of a small town in England is standard in all of his novels, including Great Expectations. The reason for this Dickens' setting is because he was born in the town of Portsmouth, England in 1812. Although as a young child he moved to Chatham where he experienced a pleasant childhood in which many scenes from his childhood are intertwined throughout his novels. Dickens father was constantly in debt and was eventually sent to jail. This memory was agonizing for young Charles as years later he wrote: "No words can express the secret agony of my soul. I felt my early hopes of growing up to be a learned and distinguished man, crushed in my breast." This directly relates to Dickens discussion of David in a wine house later in the novel. A couple of years later, Dickens attends school at the Wellington House Academy where he fell in love with Maria Beadnell but her father opposed the marriage and nothing became of it. David Copperfield is more of a biography of Dickens life made into fiction than of just a regular story about a boy. Dickens writing skills are apparent as he ties chapters together in an easy to understand novel where the writing seems to move along swiftly. Dickens work is rich with metaphors and enjoyable to analyze as in statements such as, "he eats at one gulp exactly like an elephant." This book is a classic and may be considered his best work. There are times when the novel moves slowly, but the positives outweigh the negatives and David
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Banning Breed Specific Legislation Essay -- Animal Research
Racial profiling had existed since biblical times, and is still present in today’s society. Recently in history we had the tragic terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. It did not take long for the fear of anyone from the Middle East to ripple through America. Wearing a turban in public would get people falsely accused of being a violent terrorist. Over and over again people foolishly stereotype and judge individuals based on their race or appearance. One of the most recent victims of profiling is the pit bull. Simply looking like or being a pit bull gets many loving creatures falsely accused of being violent, uncontrollable monsters. Pit bulls are the major target of legislation that bans or restricts certain types of dogs based solely on appearance and stereotypes. Breed Specific Legislation (BSL) is a ban or restriction on certain types of dogs because they are perceived as â€Å"dangerous†breeds or types of dogs. Pit bull type dogs are the major target of such legislation but there are many other breeds targeted as well. The name pit bull is used loosely to categorize many â€Å"bully breeds†of dogs. Several breeds that are often referred to as pit bulls are the Staffordshire Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, American Bulldog, Bull Terrier and most commonly, the American Pit Bull Terrier. When statistics on â€Å"pit bulls†are taken, people are actually comparing a group of dogs rather than individual breeds. Several communities have enacted BSL, and many have repealed this legislation because it simply does not work. Topeka, Ks recently reviewed the effectiveness of their breed bans and made the decision to repeal their bans in 2010 (BSL). In the last ten years, over 220 communities have repealed their breed specific la... ...ation and the Pit Bull Terrier: Are the Laws Justified?" N.p., 2006. Web. 25 Apr. 2012. "BSL Locations in Kansas." Pit Bull Rescue Central, 2011. Web. 2 May 2012. "The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Report on Fatal Dog Attacks." Pit Bull Rescue Central, Spring 2005. Web. 28 Apr. 2012. McNeil, Anna. "A New Pit Bull Study." University of Colombia's Animal Welfare Program, 15 Mar. 2012. Web. 29 Apr. 2012. Olsen, Kimberly R, and Julie K Levy. "Pit Bull Identification in Shelters." University of Florida, 22 July 2011. Web. 25 Apr. 2012. "Prince George’s County: The Most Thorough Assessment of BSL To Date ." N.p., 2011. Web. 1 May 2012. "Wins Against Breed Specific Legislation." Pit Bull Rescue Central, 2011. Web. 3 May 2012.
Adapting Poe :: essays research papers fc
Differences in Film and Literature Today there are many differences between stories and film adaptations. When people read a book like Lord of The Rings they use one of the mind’s greatest things, the imagination. When people read the story they imagine how the characters look, the way they act, where the story takes place, and other of the setting. Then when a movie such as â€Å"Lord of the Rings†comes out, they see the movie and see how the director has interpreted the story, many people are either impressed because it is how they imagined it or they don’t like it because it is so different from the story and what they thought it would be. In most cases of a book or story gone Hollywood, the fans of the book generally don’t like it because it doesn’t fit the liking of the reader/viewer. Some reasons for a director to adapt the movie from its original literary counterpart may be that the description in a section of the book may be to elaborate or not elaborate enough and to expensive for a director and his/her company to create. The director will take something that he does not like or can not do and adapt it so that it fits his/her liking or the movie in general. The director may also add things that were not in the movie for other reasons like character development or a stronger plot line. One example of this is in Edgar Allen Poe’s short story Hop-Frog, also known as The Eight Chained Orangutans. This short story was adapted and turned into a one hour long TV movie called â€Å"Fool’s Fire†that aired on PBS in 1992. The was written and directed by Julie Taymor, based on a story by Edgar Allan Poe(New York Times). Page 2 In "Fool's Fire," the story revolves around Hop-Frog a jester. He is the one who must be the kings pet and must follow every command of the over weight king and his seven councilors, each who are very rude and mean to Hop-Frog. When a tiny dancer named Trippetta enters the picture, Hop-Frog has a secret crush on her and be-friends her. Then when the king throws a cup of wine in her face it pushes Hop-Frog to the edge. He plans his revenge in an elaborate plot that is thought up for one of the kings pranks.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Continuos Writing Essay
His name is Johan and I called him Uncle Jo. He is my mother’s brother. He is ten years older than me. He is still young and quite successful businessman. He opens his own firm and has many employees. He is single and stays at Kuala Lumpur. I admire him because he is special to me and I likes his personalities. My uncle is a good looking man. His skin is fair and that makes him look handsome. He has straight hair. With a handsome face and muscular arms,he looks strong and brave. He is tall and stylish person. He always wears branded clothes and love Korean fashion. When he smile,I could see both of his dimple and that make him looks more handsome and sweet. His character is very funny and he likes to joke around. He is a very kind hearted. Although he still young,he is not stingy with his money. On Hari Raya,he gives a lot of `duit raya’ to me. He takes a good care of my grandmother. Every month,he brings my grandmother to see a doctor and gives money to my grandmother for her daily use. He likes to help anyone and does not expect anything in return. He is a person who can easily get along with anyone and gets all the work done without hurting anyone. He has a strange habit. For example,he will laugh loudly when he is alone in order to forget his sad experience and stress at work. He likes to go gym to keep his body fit. He also likes outdoor activities such as hiking. Every month,he will go hiking with his friend and takes pictures. His favourite food is something that is spicy such as Korean food. He also like to hear Korean song and watches Korean drama. Everyday although he is busy with his work,he wiil spend his time on his hobby and search about it on internet. He does not like something that is sweet and sour and to be at dirty place. Uncle jo was a good student. He and my mother came from a big family of seven children. Knowing that his parents could not afford to send him to university,he study all his might to obtain a scholarship to take an accounting degree overseas. When he was oversea,he worked part-time and sent money home to support his younger siblings. After graduating with a degree,he joined a big accountant firm. Today,he runs his own firm. His generousity and kindness are shown when he does account for small firm at low fees. Finally,the reason why I like my uncle is because he has the same interest with me such as we likes to hear the same kinds of music and likes to eat somethine that is spicy. Since I was young,his advice has influenced me a lot in the way I look at life and people. His words of encouragement is responsible for my success in my career and personal life today. That is my Uncle Jo,my hero and my beloved mentor. He always be my role model.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Memo Review
Occasionally a person working with a department at a company is required to pass on information to another department or a supervisor. Because the executive vice president has requested information on inventory valuations, it is necessary to make this memo professional and accurate. The use of information must be explained to the company officers so it should be considered that they are not aware of the jargon used by accountants. Summarized below are the changes in the interoffice memo relating to accounting jargon and abbreviations.Also included is the requested information on First In First Out (FIFO) and Last In First Out (LIFO) method, but this topic is changed for easier understanding. When revising the memo it is changed from casual to professional and formal. In this case the memo in question is concerning the FIFO and LIFO methods and the effects of the methods on the company. This requires explaining each valuation method in terms of the profit and loss on the income statem ent and the Cost of Goods Sold (COGS).This needs to be detailed without being condescending. The last paragraph about the lawsuit by Macy’s is not necessary to include since this information does not affect the retail industry’s inventory valuations methods. The accounting jargon of elastic pricing and an inflationary economic time needs to be changed to professional wording. In the case of elastic pricing, it would be appropriate to state that the company’s prices are flexible because of the industry demands, so the inventory methods need to reflect this to maintain a profit.Inflationary economic time can be explained as coming into a period of inflation. These two changes will advise the senior officers what is important to consider without adding unnecessary information The last part of the memo that must be stressed is the law that state no matter which inventory valuation the company decides to use it must continue to use this method for the complete accoun ting cycle.An accompanying recommendation based on the previous financial statement could be added to help with this process or an explanation on how each inventory method would affect the company’s profit would be important. Upon completing the review of the interoffice memo an employee will often find there must be changes made before it can be sent on to the intended recipient. This will require eliminating interoffice jargon and abbreviations. The memo must meet the requirements of the demand of information and the station of the person receiving it.Business communication can be formal or casual depending on the relationship of the people interacting and the final destination of each communication. This is important to remember when composing any business communication.References Leisker, R. V. , Flatley, M. E. , & Rentz, K. (2008). Business communication: Making connections in a digital world (11th ed. ). Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill. University of Phoenix Online. (2010). Bus iness Communications for Accountants. University of Phoenix: Accounting Memo. Memo Review Memo Review XBCOM/230 Whenever an individual is doing work for a division of an organization, it is important to transmit information to other divisions and the supervisors. The executive vice president wanted information on stock values therefore the memo should have been professional and correct. The data in the memo should have a description to the organizational officials. The use of jargon in a memo is not professional. Jargon, rubber stamp, and cliches are usual for accountants to use when they are interacting with other accountants.Rubber stamps convey the result of usual treatment, unlikely to win over readers positively. This kind of treatment inform readers that the author does not have particular concern for them, and the current case is dealt with in the same manner as others (Rentz, Flatley, & Lentz, 2011). Summarized under are the modifications in the interoffice memo pertaining to the accounting jargon and abbreviations. The interoffice memo requested that we provide a review of last in/first out (LIFO) against first in/first out (FIFO).The memo alters from casual to official while revising the data. In this instance, the memo is about the FIFO and LIFO techniques and the outcomes of the techniques of the organization. Description is needed for each valuation technique with regard to the profit and loss on the income statement as well as the cost of goods sold (COGS). The final part regarding the legal action by Macy’s is not required to incorporate since this information has no effect on the retail industry’s inventory valuation techniques.The accounting jargon of elastic pricing as well as an inflationary economic time alters to professional phrasing. In the matter of elastic pricing, it will be suitable to say that the company’s rates are flexible within the industry requirements. Thus, the inventory techniques must reflect this to keep a profit. As getting into a time the rising cost of living, inflationary economic times have a description. Both of these modifications will suggest the senior officials what is important to think about without adding useless information.The final portion of the memo should stress the regulation; regardless of what inventory valuation the organization determines to use it should carry on using this technique for the whole accounting cycle. An associated suggestion, depending on the last fiscal statement adds this to assist with this process or a reason of how each inventory technique would impact the company’s profit would be essential. After doing the overview of the interoffice memo, a worker will frequently find there are modifications made prior to delivery to the supposed receiver.Proofreading and editing is essential to get rid of interoffice jargon and abbreviations. The memo should meet the requirements needed information and the place of the individual receiving it. Business communication can be official or casual based on the relationship of the indiv iduals communicating, and the ultimate location of each communication. This is important to keep in mind when crafting any business communication. References: Rentz, K. , Flatley, M. E. , & Lentz, P. (2011). Lesikar’s business communication: Connecting in A digital world (12th ed. ). Boston, Ma: McGraw-Hill.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Junk Food
The argument as to whether or not schools should be able to sell junk food is a highly controversial topic. To begin with, there is the problem to defining junk foods. Are we talking about potato chips, soda, and Twinkies? What about fried chicken fingers, cheeseburgers, and pizza-foods many schools serve? Most cases, when faced with the decision, a child will no doubt choose what is offered without knowing it is a health issue. What would a change in the availability of these snacks teach children?Some argue that removing these snacks from schools takes away rights. Although the selling of unhealthy foods serves as a source for additional revenue for schools, school administrators should ban the sale of items that promote an unhealthy lifestyle. Not only does junk food cause unhealthy eating habits that lead to child hood obesity, but it also contributes to health issues such as diabetes, heart disease. Fast food or junk food has had a big effect on the community that many people do n’t realize.The industry markets foods to kids often advertizing to them on their way home from school and during programming watched after school. A lot of the food Is high in sugar and fat. Public opinion on the issue is varied. Poor eating habits developed at an early age can lead to a lifetime of health issues. School is where children spend most of their time, and it’s where we lay the foundation of healthy habits. In an online poll 40% of parents stated that their child doesn’t eat breakfast on a regular basis.That means 20 to 50 percent of these students total daily calories are coming from these unhealthy lunches and vending machines at school. This can be a can of soda, perhaps washing down a chocolate bar followed by a bag of potato chips. Students may be junk food junkies but the schools are hooked as well and have become increasingly dependent on the revenue that soda and candy machines bring in each year. While soda sales may help supplement the sch ool's bottom line, health experts are increasingly worried that soft drinks are contributing to a student's poor health. t was concluded that teen-aged boys' soda consumption has tripled in the last 20 years and doubled for girls. Teens now drink twice as much soda as milk. On the other hand, children are taught in the classroom about good nutrition and the value of a healthy lifestyle, but we continue to make the junk food available to them. Our children's eating habits are engrained in them from a young age, so what are we teaching our children? At what cost is it ok for junk food to be available o them at school? For the first time, the government is proposing broad standards to make sure all foods sold in schools are healthier. Under the Agriculture Department proposed on 2/1/2013, food like fatty chips, snack cakes, nachos and mozzarella sticks would be taken out of lunch and vending machines, to be replaced by baked chips, trial mix, and diet soda. Food sold through vending ma chines has never before been federally regulated. Junk Food The argument as to whether or not schools should be able to sell junk food is a highly controversial topic. To begin with, there is the problem to defining junk foods. Are we talking about potato chips, soda, and Twinkies? What about fried chicken fingers, cheeseburgers, and pizza-foods many schools serve? Most cases, when faced with the decision, a child will no doubt choose what is offered without knowing it is a health issue. What would a change in the availability of these snacks teach children?Some argue that removing these snacks from schools takes away rights. Although the selling of unhealthy foods serves as a source for additional revenue for schools, school administrators should ban the sale of items that promote an unhealthy lifestyle. Not only does junk food cause unhealthy eating habits that lead to child hood obesity, but it also contributes to health issues such as diabetes, heart disease. Fast food or junk food has had a big effect on the community that many people do n’t realize.The industry markets foods to kids often advertizing to them on their way home from school and during programming watched after school. A lot of the food Is high in sugar and fat. Public opinion on the issue is varied. Poor eating habits developed at an early age can lead to a lifetime of health issues. School is where children spend most of their time, and it’s where we lay the foundation of healthy habits. In an online poll 40% of parents stated that their child doesn’t eat breakfast on a regular basis.That means 20 to 50 percent of these students total daily calories are coming from these unhealthy lunches and vending machines at school. This can be a can of soda, perhaps washing down a chocolate bar followed by a bag of potato chips. Students may be junk food junkies but the schools are hooked as well and have become increasingly dependent on the revenue that soda and candy machines bring in each year. While soda sales may help supplement the sch ool's bottom line, health experts are increasingly worried that soft drinks are contributing to a student's poor health. t was concluded that teen-aged boys' soda consumption has tripled in the last 20 years and doubled for girls. Teens now drink twice as much soda as milk. On the other hand, children are taught in the classroom about good nutrition and the value of a healthy lifestyle, but we continue to make the junk food available to them. Our children's eating habits are engrained in them from a young age, so what are we teaching our children? At what cost is it ok for junk food to be available o them at school? For the first time, the government is proposing broad standards to make sure all foods sold in schools are healthier. Under the Agriculture Department proposed on 2/1/2013, food like fatty chips, snack cakes, nachos and mozzarella sticks would be taken out of lunch and vending machines, to be replaced by baked chips, trial mix, and diet soda. Food sold through vending ma chines has never before been federally regulated.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Foucault Questions Essay
What are the limitations? 2. What distinctions can be made between the ordering and controlling of leprosy and the plague? 3. What does Foucault mean by â€Å"rituals of exclusion†and â€Å"†disciplinary projects†? 4. How does the panoptic mechanism differ from a dungeon? What are the principal characteristics of each? What are the goals of each? 5. What importance does Foucault attribute to â€Å"visibility†? What role do visibility and invisibility play in panoptic structures of power? . Foucault states, â€Å"The plague-stricken town, the panoptic establishment – the differences are important. †What are those differences and how are they important? 7. In describing Panopticism, Foucault is meticulous in tracing the historical evolution of the panopticon as a disciplinary mechanism. What is his purpose in doing so? Why is he so careful? 8. Outline the major historical events Foucault cites. With what example(s) does Foucault begin? With wh at does he end? 9. What does Foucault mean when he says that disciplinary projects moved from the margins of society to the center? What is meant by â€Å"margin†? What is meant by â€Å"center†? What is the significance of this transition of discipline from the margins to the center? 10. What does Foucault mean when he says that societies of antiquity were â€Å"societies of spectacle†and modern societies are â€Å"societies of surveillance†? What are the differences? What historical events created such differences?
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
The usage of financial accounting information Essay
The usage of financial accounting information - Essay Example One of the uses of financial accounting information is for funding purpose.Capital from shareholders and loans and credit from creditors require reporting of financial accounting information to solicit funds.Since the shareholders provide the funds for the organization to run,they are interested in the returns earned on their investments. Financial ratios such as return on shareholders' funds can be calculated to assess the returns earned on their investments. They use information on past performance obtained from the financial statements comprising the profit and loss statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement together with the present economic market conditions to predict the future returns. Also, since the shareholders elect the board of directors, they would want to regularly evaluate the management's performance. Profitability ratios, indications of earning capacity and ability to make profits, can be used by the shareholders to evaluate the management's performance. Loan creditors, such as bankers are interested in the financial stability and liquidity of the organization, as assessed by the liquidity ratios, solvency ratios, and capital structure ratios. Loan creditors would also like to know whether the organization is able to pay interest on time and to repay the principal of the loan. They can use financial ratios such as the coverage of fixed interest charges to assess the organization's ability in this regard. They are also interested in the amount of security existing for their debt, other liabilities the organization has and security offered for them. The balance sheet offers this information. Trade creditors let the organization obtain goods or services with postponed payment. They are interested in the ability of the organization to pay its debts as they fall due, as revealed by liquidity ratios. Both shareholders and creditors use financial accounting information to assess the timing and uncertainty of prospective cash receipts. The pros pects of cash receipts depend on the organization's ability to generate enough cash to meet its obligations when due and its other cash operating needs. The cash flow statement, when used in conjunction with the rest of the financial statements, provides information that enables users to evaluate the changes in net assets of an enterprise, its financial structure and its ability to affect the amounts and timing of cash flows in order to adapt to changing circumstances. Another use of financial accounting information is to solicit investments from potential investors. Potential investors require information on various matters, including solvency, financial strength, earning capability, and the ability of the management to decide whether or not to invest in the organization. The financial statements and the various financial ratios derived from the financial statements mentioned in the above paragraph can be used by potential investors to make this decision. Lastly, financial accounting information is used to facilitate wage and employment negotiations. Management accounting information is used for decision making such as to accept or reject special sales order, fix selling or tender price, add or delete a product line or department, maximize profits with a limited productive capacity or scarce resources, make or buy a component, or further process joint products. The management accounting information used in decision making is relevant costs such as differential and marginal costs. A special sales order, such as an order of a particularly large quantity such that certain costs can be reduced, can be accepted if it gives a positive contribution margin (sales minus marginal costs), provided the organization has idle capacity, fixed costs will not change, normal sales at regular prices will not be disrupted, and no other special order that is more profitable can be obtained. The selling or tender price is used to determine the target market of the organization's products. Some products may be sold in a luxury market where prices may b e higher
Article Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 6
Review - Article Example The main purpose of this article is, therefore, to provide information regarding integrity and reliability measures within healthcare institutions. It further looks at how they apply in a clinical setup. It will further outline the approaches used to collect relevant integrity and reliability data. Based on the Scientific Merit Rating Scale, this study has a rating of four. This rating is attributed to a single subject design that has more than three participants. Four people are part of the study research. The type of measurement is continuous with no calibration data of any kind; it has a reliability of over 80%. Several evaluators who were part of the research by using psychometrically sufficient instruments further confirmed the diagnosis. To collect the data, direct behavioral observation to show the reaction of various patients based on the types of treatments that they received was conducted. The responses showed that the patients could easily maintain their composure and record their conditions before commencing treatment; however, after the treatment their conditions changed, and they were no longer in a position to maintain their composure. The rate of this response was over 90%. The criterion for the various tasks was outlined using several specific details. The study showed an average procedural integrity score of 75%. This was determined using a checklist of various sessions. An SMRS rating of three can be given to the author if this article sessions. The three participants in this study had various conditions, and the nurses gave them distinct treatments to establish their independent reactions. Each change in the treatment process resulted in a different reaction in each patient. There were some common factors among the patients; all of them were ill and had the ability to fill in their reports at the beginning of the exercise. This study can be termed as being generalized.
Monday, August 12, 2019
Long Term Consequences of Colonizing Africa Research Paper
Long Term Consequences of Colonizing Africa - Research Paper Example Italy, Denmark, Belgium, Germany also participated but were some of the minor players when compared with the other countries mentioned. By the end of the nineteenth century almost all the entire continent was under political control of at least one European power. European expansion into Africa was encouraged mostly by the industrialization era in Europe as those countries sought raw materials for new and growing markets. Many historians, however, felt that there were many and varied reasons. â€Å"There was the lure of adventure, the search for personal freedom, the sense of mission. There was greed and vanity and lust for power.†1 The decolonization of Africa, for the most part, took place towards the middle of the twentieth century. Many of the problems faced by Africa today can be attributed to the impact of colonization. There has also been positive impacts, however, that have helped to move the continent forward since the pre-colonial era. One of the major long term consequences of colonizing Africa is the political culture of the different countries. Prior to the colonial era most of Africa could be described as a stateless society. Many of the borders of these modern states were created according to the whims and fancies of the different colonial leaders. â€Å"Namibia’s odd shape was created by the strategic requirements of a German foreign minister†2 . The current political rulers of the varied African countries retained the boundaries set by the colonial rulers with the exception of modern day Tanzania and Eritrea. . This in some way helped in the social identity of the different nations. Hodder stated that ‘once the colonial boundaries of Africa have been drawn up they acquired a permanence, which assisted by unified administration within them, helped to engender modern African unity’3 . In the establishment of the Organization of African States in 1963, on of the agreement made by the members was
Sunday, August 11, 2019
Learning Theorie Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Learning Theorie - Research Paper Example This learning theory then is closely linked to pragmatist philosophy, as they both articulate the world in this constructive lens. There are a variety of ways that constructivist learning theory can be implemented in training. The extent that constructivism can be implemented in learning is dependent on the extent that it is embraced by the instructional designer. In this way radical constructivists believe that all knowledge should be instructed through these methods. Still, in most use constructivism is implemented as a means of instructing higher order thinking skills. In these instances, more traditional instruction methods face great challenges in encapsulating the varieties of information. Specifically, constructivist techniques rely largely on shared interactions between students. In this way students’ divergent understandings of subject matter are integrated into a construction of reality. In other instances, students engage in applications of knowledge that simulate real-world situations; in these instances, the students’ interaction with the real world situation contributes to their know ledge
Saturday, August 10, 2019
Expedia Value Chain Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Expedia Value Chain - Assignment Example This research will begin with the statement that the value chain of an organization consists of all activities that are performed in order to achieve a competitive advantage in the industry. According to Michael Porter, the value chain consists of two types of activities. They are primary activities and support activities. The present research has identified that primary activities include inbound logistics, operations, outbound logistics, marketing and sales, and service. Secondary activities include procurement, human resource management, technological development, and infrastructure. From this research, it is clear that Expedia uses technology in order to create an interface that enables customers to make bookings and reservations online. It is partnered with similar services helping its customers to search and sort cheap flights, hotels, car rentals, holiday destinations, and so on. Expedia partners with industry experts including, Egencia, Venere, Hotwire, etc. The te chnology department at Expedia works to allow customers to make their reservations online through the company interface. Such activities occur electronically to send customers their receipts. The Sales department takes care of all sales and support services provided by the company. Expedia runs social media marketing campaigns and also runs an affiliate program. The customer support staff is present to assist customers with the service.
Friday, August 9, 2019
Reflection Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 26
Reflection Paper - Essay Example Consequently, their action may be misguided. I concur with the conclusion that love is not for amateurs. Love certainly needs persons who can differentiate it and react accordingly. It is easy for young people to confuse infatuation and romantic love. They may end up acting in an irresponsible manner in order to attract whoever they think they are in love with. The information on love is well stipulated, highlighting the different types so that people can distinguish the love they feel based on their circumstances. From this differentiation, there is no doubt that communication, being bi-lingual and avoiding the temptation to â€Å"mind-read†promotes healthy relationships. I find it particularly important for people with related feelings to communicate about it so as to avoid desperate or inappropriate ways to show it. I affirm that sex is mainly the activity taken up by many people who hope to show they love someone romantically. The adolescents stage present major difficulties to parents and educators as there are so many changes that occur in the adolescents. There is prevalent emotional instability among the adolescents. Embarking to educate them about their sexuality, the changes that they are likely to undergo and appropriate actions to take are of sheer importance. It is important that they learn about their bodies and learn to appreciate themselves the way they are. I firmly hold that a high self-esteem among the teenagers is one way to avoid participating in irresponsible sexual activities or poor social development. Certainly, the education can help them to know that sex is never a way to show love. Adolescent girls need to know this so as to avoid early pregnancies or contacting diseases that may jeopardize their futures. I agree with the deduction that parents are the chief sex educators for their children. They need to provide their children with information about their sexuality. Additionally, the fact that early experiences, attitudes,
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